Just got that weapon earlier today while doing a Totems run, screamed “Smite Dervish” lol. I had the triple-rare ring stashed away since forever, now the only issue is that I still haven’t found that relic blueprint… but it just got higher in my “to do” list. Also, this is in HC, because of course when I find something fun it has to be in HC where I can’t really experiment…
This is actually my first time trying to make a build myself, I was happy with the result (had to fiddle with a lot of things to get all the resistances to that level, and I still have only 95% armor absorption) but I’m sure it can be improved upon.
~edit: just realized how low the OA was… (and DA but it’s not as dramatic)
I would try something closer to this but…Dervish excels as DW melee not 2 handed. You have no WPS, can’t take advantage of dual blades etc. Also drop the health regen route as it is doing fck all here; ADCTH will be more impactful.
This actually looks much better, thanks! I might switch those Wendigo Lifescent Powders for some Bysmiel Desert Barbs though, that pierce resistance is pretty sad…
Just use pierce augments in armor…maybe find pierce res on one of the greens. Obviously farming those exact affixes will take long; but there’s a lot of variability that can be good. Or get poison res via gear and switch belt comp for spellscorched; you probably want to use ancient armor plate or smth in the pants for that 100% absorb.
Those halberds are a trap I think; I tried to build a fire warlord based around Korvan Burning halberd and it was ok for levelling but completely fell apart in SR.
The transmutation of Righteous Fervor is sabotaging you. The % weapon damage portion is already pure acid, and your weapon converts the physical part of smite as well as ~50% phys->acid globally(65% with Path of the Three). Instead the transmuter converts the fire on RF and Smite into vitality which is entirely unsupported and conflicts with the PotT fire->acid converstion.
For the rest of the skill points I fully invested in ABB and Pneumatic Burst and left one point floating from Clarity of Purpose(Ascension node) so that the defense tab wouldn’t lie to me. The messy skill bar was just for my personal visualization.
The major gear changes are Cowl of the Venomblade for acid ABB, Serenity relic because HC, and Murmur’s Kiss for full fire->acid converstion. The medal and pants in the link are missing a prefix, and the relic is missing it’s completion bonus. Get stun resist on any one of those pieces you’ll be golden.
For devotions I tried to stay defensive so no Abomination. Instead took magi since it’s fully acid and the Fissures are great. Make sure it is bound to the Guardians of Empyrion since they can uniquely stack the DoT. Maticore’s Acid Spray works wonderfully with ABB, and Ring of Steel is now another heal button thanks to Dryad. In the end I crawled up Revenant for the ADctH.
Ultimately I like the idea in spirit. Getting +8 to lethal assault on a double rare and not using it feels criminal. However relying on only RF and smite for damage as a dervish is pretty meh. On the other hand ABB with a two handed weapon and some cooldown reduction slaps. There’s still plenty of room to optimize gear(or just about everything) since I frankly leaned on the weapons absurd % damage to make quick and easy defensive gear choices.