[] Thor, but not an Avenger | Melee+Ranged Druid | 11k-Regen | Ravager 1:09 | Callagadra 1:32 | HC Viable (SWITCH BUG JUST GOT FIXED!)

i used this Druid, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
eyeballing it looks like you’re spot on
strange, could have sworn i changed the distributions after confirming the double crit interaction way back :thinking:

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Hard to say if it’s better or worse but I think maybe you need to rethink the whole devo map. Taking three points in tier-3 devotion is usually not optimal because of how more value next nod usually adds (here it’s fifth nod, sometimes it’s fourth etc.). Like one think that can be omitted is the devotion proc itself if build has so much damage itself, but going three nods like that usually means you lost value when you were putting the puzzle together.
Korvaak’s proc like tripple dips in value for your build. First it’s obvious crowd control - very effective source of Petrify. Then it boosts your effective OA and DA by debuffing monster’s DA/OA. And on top of that it adds up to your passive leech - something that a build like that needs a lot of (hence regen stack) because Upheval’s leech is always inconsistent.

no problem, always happy to share GD knowledge


Ahh, I must have indeed underestimated Korvaak’s proc and overestimated 5% OA and Aether resist.
The question is… which skill do I assign it with?

I already use Savagery, Upheaval, and Wind Devil for the 3 RR’s. The only skill left is Wendigo Totem and iirc it didn’t seem to proc Korvaak well.

I think it’s worth trying. But also of course not ideal as it kinda forces you to cast those totems. Again, I think you just need to re-imagine that devotion map a bit, maybe Korvaak doesn’t fit there at all, but if you are taking it always take the proc - it’s too good to pass up.

Just found something weird. It works on Storm Totem but not on Wendigo totem for some reason… Either way, both have slow hits, and I just tested and Storm Totem really couldn’t proc Korvaac often enough…

Also 5% OA from Spear of Heavens 3rd node gives roughly 120 OA, which is very close to Korvaak proc -DA hmm… The pros and cons for the former are:
(+) Ease of use
(+) 16 Aether Resist
(-) No extra AoE damage with CC
(-) No DA indirect boost

It’s quite close in value after all, no? If I had just 1 more reliable skill available that didn’t interrupt Savagery, I would gladly pick Korvaak and put it on that. Maybe there’s pet obtainable from items that synergize well with lightning crit Druid?

As for the all or nothing approach for Korvaak… I tried to search far and wide for other tier 3/high tier points in the current setup and… there’s not much else. I honestly think Korvaak without the proc is justified for crit builds (huge damage, OA, and Crit damage boosts) provided everything else sensible is taken/out of reach.

Also if you haven’t noticed, the build doesn’t have much OA from equipment. I honestly think removing Korvaak’s stats would put the build on subpar OA which sucks for a crit build.

The only redesign I could think of is removing Behemoth altogether and replacing it with a cheaper defense… But which OA/crit booster would I replace Korvaak with?

I think Behemoth is too good here especially with Axe’s cdr. Another way you can go is adding Aether Corruption here.

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I fiddled around a bit (way too long :see_no_evil: ) for you: Druid, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
It’s missing some armor and a tidbit of DA, but better OA and regen. Maybe not perfect, but hopefully it gives you some inspiration.

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That’s an interesting flavor. Yours would definitely do more dps, and you somehow managed to have almost the exact same amount of Physical Res despite the entire Devo redesign, nice.

I guess it just isn’t for me coz of the much lower armor, reflect res, and other CC res. But then I play Hardcore haha

Your Aether Corruption suggestion led me to a very interesting idea, which could replace my op.
While testing (before I fell asleep), I noticed how the initial dps depended a lot on whether Korvaak triggered from Aether Corruption IMMEDIATELY or not. If it didn’t, the dps dipped by a lot. Also the way it interrupted auto attacking was a bit uncomfortable for me.

But then I realized something. I don’t have to search for items far and wide for something to proc Korvaak with… I’m using Ultos’ axe after all… PRIMAL STRIKE! Just 1 point on each node (without the mutator) is enough for it to be a very reliable Elemental Storm proc! (85% chance, and correct me if I’m wrong, it’s multi initial hit nature seems to make it almost guaranteed). It’s Wind Devil on Korvaak proc now, and it’s super reliable!

So Primal Strike is just as strong as a savagery hit, has wider aoe, and has CC and extra bleeding and electrocute to boot!

So yeah, I’mma transfer 3 points of Nullification into Primal Strike. I’m loving it.

Thank you so much for the ideas :slight_smile:

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Ah sure :smiley: Hard to have it all :sweat_smile:

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I am not a fan of that - it interurpts your Savagery flow and Upheaval procs. Corruption interrupts it too, but you cast it rarely and it spreads it does a lot of dps in the end (plus component gives OA). But if PS works for you like that, why not. But I would recommend testing dps with it and without it (proccing Korvaak with Said Corruption for example).

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Yeah tbh I think I’ve been fixating on dummy ttk testing too much. Korvaak not proccing immediately from Aether corruption is not too big of a problem in practice.

But then again, savagery stacking is not so hard since I coulduse ranged, plus the Stun and extra electrocute & bleeding from Primal strike is nice.

Rn I’m using the seal of corruption anyways for OA indeed. But I think primal strike is smoother to play with coz it’s easier to control Elemental Storm targeting with it. Oh and Aether corruption’s range doesn’t match the Crossbow’s.

I kinda lost enthusiasm with this build, as turned out I was comparing the damage to the outdated top Avenger builds. The latest versions, even the Warder one with the Markovian wps and medal, have a much more reliable, greater or equal dps than this build.

The only real advantage of this build is having a switch option to ranged altho bugged, which fortunately Zantai said they’d be looking on.

That happens sometimes. I fell in love with builds and fell out of love with them countless times, I know this feeling. I think you had a good thing going on there, but some archetypes are just weaker/stronger in endgame than others, the balance is not equal for every type of build in the game.

I would say that keep exploring different builds and learning the game and your experience will be more rewarding as more depths and aspects of itemization will open up to you.


I have good news!

I finally got decent with the technique vs Ravager that you taught me. And it’s a lot easier to pull off with this build due to level 10 Nullification! Now, my record is 1:12 on Ravager!!! :slight_smile:
This build can reliably kill and facetank Callagadra as well, 1:44 so far. Thank you again for your insights!

I followed your advice by removing Primal Strike and also Elemental Storm (no good proc-er for it) in exchange for Ghoul. Combined with the Judicator’s Seals set (which compensates for the lost flat RR and also gives 12% damage reduction), the survivability improved by a ton! It’s what allowed me to reliably face tank Callagadra :smiley:



after lee’s post i put my attention to it. How you are able to get under ravager’s feet so close with rune of amatok? Is it some special settings should turned on/off?

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Good question! I held the “Force Move” bind before dashing, so that it wouldn’t lock on the center of the enemy.

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Thank you very much. And about build, that’s nice perfomance. May be somebody already suggested it or you did it by yourself. I would give a try to Stormreaver instead of ultos axe and add storm totems to the build, it also gives you great ability to proc ultos’s devotion power.

Stormreaver conversion to Lightning for Savagery is awesome. High OA too. The problem is the +2 Shaman Skills would make Wind Devils disappear after switching to crossbow.

Ultos’ on the other hand will thereotically be fixed, and not only that, turns out from my damage tests, they’re not too far off probably because of Ultos’ +4 to Stormcaller Pact, which adds roughly 16% Crit Damage. Furthermore, the extra Physical Res and the CDR (which synergizes so well with Ghoul and Giant’s Blood) are very nice.

This is why I prefer Ultos’ axe. Aside from survivability, its +4 to Stormcaller makes its dps competitive even vs something like a very rare Skyfallen Korvan Storm Halberd of Ferocity.

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