[] Thor, but not an Avenger | Melee+Ranged Druid | 11k-Regen | Ravager 1:09 | Callagadra 1:32 | HC Viable (SWITCH BUG JUST GOT FIXED!)

I think it’s nice that it does all that against Celestials and having Judicators here might indeed be good for extra Upheaval procs while farming. However for farming that little freeze res and no trap/petrify res will be uncomfortable, I think you wanna reach Conversion in Arcanist mastery after all. Plus no Chtonian racial is also a bit iffy on a single rr lightning build (and with Judicators you have less RR in total).


I think you wanna reach Conversion in Arcanist mastery after all.

Lmao, I already added Conversion a while back in my 1:12 Ravager kill (as well as in the new 1:11 to be posted now) but forgot to update Grimtools. It’s mostly for 80% Slow res tho (Calla ttk is too low for my taste).

I’ve some more questions:

  1. Is 66% Freeze Res enough?
  2. Will trap really be a problem given that I could switch to range plus I have level 10 Nullification?
  3. When is Petrify the most threatening? Do I really need high Petri res?
  4. Is it a good idea to put the Giant’s Blood proc on Arcane Will? My thought is that it should never proc first (and waste cd) before Arcane Will (lest Arcane Will be blocked). This way, the order would be Arcane Will → Giant’s Blood → Ghoul

I’mma update the post now to include the new Conversion skill and attributes re-allocation.

Plus no Chtonian racial is also a bit iffy on a single rr lightning build

Can you elaborate on this? By solo RR lightning, you mean only 1 class having viable lightning RR, correct? Devos are excluded? And why would Cthonians be a problem for this? I don’t remember Cthonians having high lightning res… It’s mostly Valdaran and the lightning sphere monsters that feel really slow to kill.

Anyways, thanks again!

Edit: Added #4, I hope I’m not too late

welp, didn’t see that, your gt link is still old

Usually yes, however for auto-attackers/channellers and spam casters I try to cap stun/freeze/slow always.

You probably just need 5-6 at Conversion, that would be enough trap res to not get stuck forever after Benn traps you.

Few instances where it is, one is Crate fight. Usually not as important as other cc-res, but it’s good to have some on as an auto-attacker.

I don’t think so. With your cooldown reduction it’s just good to have Giant’s Blood up as frequently as possible. It’s not your fail safe proc like Ghoul or Turtle, it’s a part of your sustain profile, don’t save it for the worst of times.

Mostly because of Grava. His debuff makes it hard to fight him as melee/ranged and then he does have really high lightning res on top of it.

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It’s not your fail safe proc like Ghoul or Turtle, it’s a part of your sustain profile, don’t save it for the worst of times.

My other thought actually was for better dps. Coz sometimes, Giant’s Blood triggering prematurely prevents Arcane Will (health won’t go below 75%) for its entire duration, which is a waste as Arcane Will’s +160% All Damage is great to be triggered every cooldown.

Defense wise, there’s also the unfortunate scenario where Giant’s Blood procs first, preventing Arcane Will, and then GB wears off, and then AW triggers, leaving me with no regen boost after the cd’s (possible death if Ghoul is not up). On the other hand, Giant’s Blood set on Arcane usually goes like, Arcane Will → Giant’s Blood (AW still active) → AW cd (GB still active) → GB wears off (AW just finished cd) → Arcane Will → GB (if AW is still up) and/or Ghoul. This is so much better than Giant’s Blood randomly triggering early and then both of them going cd, or Arcane Will’s huge damage being prevented due to being healthy.

Very good concern, I haven’t thought about it. Then do it the way that doesn’t prevent AW trigger. BTW, I would recommend maxing out AW when you have cdr on Arcanist, and especially here where it’s mega boosted by the set.


Yup, working on maxing Arcane Will rn. Will do some tests again

1:32 Callagadra right after maxing Arcane Will lol. I did not expect that.

Edit: I gave up Conversion tho uggh.
Decisions decisions… Do I sacrifice Storm Touched and level 10 Nullification for Conversion? All I’m sure now of is that Max Arcane Will is awesome. I don’t know what to do for the rest lol


This. As much as it’s nice to have at soft cap, you can definitely sacrifices this and have it at like level 4 or 5.

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It’s not so bad after all since I’ve been getting decent with Force Move + Nullification. I set it to level 2 coz I don’t feel so comfy with a minimum Oak Skin.

Anyways, how do you do SR 30-31 so quickly? Even with the Warder save file, I farm it so slow. Can you give me some tips?

Learn Nemeses spawns and rush to them with single target heavy builds. Avoid fighting stragglers and single heroes. If you have a lot of aoe damage herd mobs more. Use your dots wisely (i.e. know when you can leave monsters to “bleed out” while you are moving on to the next target). Learn how to fight bosses in groups, know which groups and of how many mobs your build can take. Practice.

But also, there is a lot of rng involved, so for really fast runs you just need lucky maps/bosses/mutators etc.


This and watching yours and other fast runners’ vids helped a lot technique wise; I can do sub 5 runs if I get lucky now.

And yes there’s a fair amount of luck involved. For every successful fast run there’s at least 5 others where the runner died. So just keep practicing OP. :slightly_smiling_face:


While testing SR, I received a scary damage spike in a nemesis room where my Aether Resistance was reduced slightly (I was grouping them as usual). Should I worry? Is it worth replacing 1 Dreeg’s Omen with a Mankind’s Vigil (or perhaps a Dreeg’s Veilward to keep the Dreeg Augments theme)?

Also which Nemesis’ should I avoid grouping with this build?

what you are missing is chaos res overcap, should be 30

I can’t tell you because I haven’t played it. Gotta feel it out. My guess is that grouping more than two bosses might not be good for this build, because it’s still not really Avenger Warder in terms of tankiness (because of inconsistent leech and worse dr). Also that hp is kinda low-ish right now, I would aim for 18k+ with this build.

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2 Mankind’s Sigil it is.
Btw, I’ve been working on some major adjustments… and I’m getting addicted. You might like this. It’s so addicting to play. It solved the lack of 18k HP issue as well.

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I hate how 18.2k HP is preventing some Arcane Will procs vs Ravager haha.
Come to think of it, is 16% HP really generally better than 120 DA? (4 Wendigo Lifescents vs 4 Dreeg’s Omen)

haha, what an awkward spot where too much hp/da prevents your strongest buff from being triggered. Really not sure what you can do there, gotta test it and tweak it and find that sweet spot.

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One +4% Health, 3 Dreeg’s Omens, and a tad more Physique (totalling 17k HP, ~90 DA) seems to be the sweet spot. Health pool seems decently big enough without having too low of a DA that I get big crit spammed by Calla.

So far survivability vs Calla is no more instances of ~10% remaining HP jump scares (even on animation/Sunder skip glitches where he attacks many times very quickly), plus I got a new record ttk vs Ravager (1:09) with Arcane Will proccing a decent number of times and the capability to survive full non-enraged Sunder strikes reliably.

Looks like this is the sweet spot for me :slight_smile:

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Yo, how are you today?

Just wanna say I’ve been learning from your Archon crucible runs. I’ve been trying to replicate it yesterday (albeit with some adjustments due to the difference of builds i.e. I only have 2 dash and I have a ranged option) and the results are interesting.

First of all I wanna thank Zantai again for getting the bug fixed quickly. I am loving switching between Sparkthrower and Ultos axe so much which I couldnt practically do before due to the Wind Devils appearing with an 18s cd (the only problem left is sometimes switching gets disabled for some reason but I still couldn’t catch and replicate it).

My question is, how much do your runs vary? Your Archon vid had a 150-160 timer of 2:24. My runs meanwhile range from 3:10+ to a very lucky 2:12 one. Is this normally how random runs are? I’m sure my skill is definitely still inconsistent. But I’m guessing iz also because of the mutators (± %damage from monster or to player, %health to monster, and +20% crit damage) and boss spawns (Valdaran and Gravathul for instance cause so much delay for me). How about yours? Whats your Archon’s normal range for waves 150-160?

Edit: Here’s my latest Crucible run: https://youtu.be/sE3Fe4DEFFI

So first of all, running buffless Crucible with extra spawn requires quite a bit of piloting skill. And it’s also absolutely not necessary to do since the buffs are so cheap and make it so much easier. We usually do it just to stress test our specs in what is probably the most hostile environment if you are playing it for the timer.
That said I watched your video and I think apart from few mistakes you were mostly on the right path. Maybe don’t eat Aleksander’s small meteors (because they debuff your damage a lot) and learn to prioritize targets better.
Now about the build: I am sorry but that gimmick with weapon swap is absolutely not working here. Your were fumbling your lines A LOT sometimes firing that peashooter in melee range struggling to switch to Ultos axe in time. What’s worse is that that ranged attack hits like a wet noodle and really only slows you down. Especially if you are opening your Nemeses waves with trying to shoot some Nemeses in the corner. Waste of time.
I think to make ranged attack work it needs Hydra in devos and it needs some kind of extra mod like pass thru. Otherwise this ranged Upheaval is just weak sauce and this video demonstrates it really well.
But then also a single rr build like that will not be consistent or really fast in buffless Crucible. Too often you gonna be facing Grava or Maiden or Valdaran, sometimes combined which will make your runs slow.
Avenger Archon doesn’t face the same problem as single rr elemental builds face because it’s a physical build with chunky flat and wps modifiers and quite a bit of trauma. It also has two teleports and very consistent “concentrated” aoe around the char due to nature of its wps. For pure Upheaval to compete with that it has to be Blazerush Elementalist levels of output.

Thank you.

How about here, where I believe I have showcased the potential of switching to ranged of Ferocity (its other non-gimmick purpose is to gain extra Savagery charge beyond 8) and managed to clear faster than the top 1 Archon, up until Wave 155?

Edit: Also I believe it is more than just a “peashooter”, as it alone has killed the Ravager faster than the top 1 Archon, as shown in the OP (1:10 vs 1:12).