[1.2.1] Chaosmancy - Pure Chaos Pet Cabalist - 2 builds for 1 price [endgame, full game content+]


So… Cabalist is no longer poor, but now he is pure chaos



Reap Spirit Version

Skeleton Version

Note: Suffixes “of the Wild” and “of Caged Souls” are mandatory.

Devotions map

Progression in Grimtools

Text guide

Crossroad-Purple>Shepherd’s Crook>Remove - Crossroad- Purple
Crossroad-Pink>Fiend>Remove - Crossroad-Pink
Solael’s Witchblade
Crossroad-Blue>Lizard>Remove - Crossroad-Blue
Behemoth>Remove - Jackal>Remove - Hawk
Crossroad-Yellow>Dryad>Remove - Crossroad-Yellow
Crossroad-Rurple>Remove - Shepherd’s Crook>Remove - Crossroad-Rurple*
Dying God

Some gear explanation

Offhand Mythical Fiendgaze Tome and Ring Mythical Voidwhisper Band х2 - the core of the build. 100% of physical/vitality/elemental damage converted to chaos.

Gloves: Mythical Overlord’s Iron Grip - good armor, nice % DA bonus, %crit damage bonus for pets, %stun res and skill points.

Chest: Mythical Fiendmaster Raiment - brutally high % damage bonus for any pet chaos build, high chaos flats and +8-12 (!) skillpoints.

Relic: Bysmiel’s Domination - % physical resist for player and +%crit dmg, +%OA, chaos flats and some survivability bonus for pets.

Amulet: Mythical Sovereign Ruby of Domination - +8-12 skill points, %cdr, %cc res and sweet proc.

Weapon: Mythical Veilpiercer - 12-16 (!) skillpoints, stable 28 flat rr and +1 pet for Skeleton Version

Pants: Mythical Runebrand Legwraps - +6 skillpoints, %cc res, %OA and some vit res for pets

Shoulders: Mythical Fiendflesh Mantle - 16 skillpoints, chaos/aether res for pets and nice defensive proc.

Skeleton Version:

Head: Ascendant Cowl of the Wild - burst summon for Raise Skeleton with removed energy cost, +4 to Undead Legion and elemental res for pets from suffix.

Belt: Mythical Shadowfiend’s Cord - +1 to all skills, capped Infernal Breath and some pierce/vit res for pets.

Medal: Wendigo Gaze of Caged Souls - +3 to Undead Legion, pierce res for pets and +3 to Raise Skeleton, %freeze res for pets from suffix.

Reap Spirit Version:

Head: Chosen Visage of the Wild - some additional damage for Hellhound and elemental res for pets from suffix.

Belt: Mythical Spiritseeker Cord - pierce res for pets and skillpoints for capping Reap Spirit.

Medal: The Overseer - %crit damage for Hellhound and pierce res for pets. Craft for slow res.


Reap Spirit Version

Crate of Entertainment
Ravager of Flesh

Skeleton Version

Crate of Entertainment
Ravager of Flesh


08.29: spelling


Impressive! Thanks for sharing.


I was pride with my fire skel killing Ravager in 1.20, but your skel build absolutely destroy my self-esteem :sweat_smile:

There’re some aether skelle-builds with sub 30 sec Ravager, so don’t worry about it and have fun :slight_smile:

Never try aether pets, can you give me a exemple so I can test it please ?

Сan’t really help here now because I haven’t touched aether pets since the last PT :frowning:

drool How do I make use of this build if I am about to play from scratch? or I am better off with usual pet builds eg: fire skeleton build etc

Sadly, the option to go full chaos is only available after 94: you need the offhand and rings. You can definitely lvling with a fire skeleton build and then switch to this.