1.2.1 Vitality Pet Witchblade

*Still a WIP.

Anyway, the build I have thought about is a Vitality Pet Witchblade that uses Guardian of Death Gates’ rework in 1.2.1 to give +2 Occulist Skills and gives +4 to Squad Tactics. I think the intention behind the change is to seemingly go with the Witchblade class. (I don’t know if the modifiers for Field Command work with pets though. Would be nice if anyone here knows.)

The idea for this build is to use War Cry to aggro you and have the pets deal the majority of DPS while your role is to debuff enemies with Ulo using Blade Arc or Cadence, and to summon the devotion using War Cry. While it is slower because I used a defensive devotion, I feel its worth it since Witchblade’s playstyle is always closeup.

Grimtools 1.2.1


It’s not bad for SR 75-76 for clear time. In terms of boss kill time, it’s terrible for bosses that have high vitality res such as Ravager and Kubacabra. Haven’t tried it out on other super bosses such as Crate, but it is doable if you play it right.

Build performance are linked in the videos. Note, times could be faster if I didn’t play it safe or used an offensive setup.

SR 75-76


Ravager took around 7 minutes. SR 80 took around 7 minutes as well depending on the modifiers.

Crate boss clear time took close to 1:40. Calleghdra’s clear time was 9 minutes

Overall thoughts

It may be slower than Conjurer, Ritualist, or Cabalist, but I feel it’s not a bad pet build. More than happy to hear suggestions

I would probably drop ishtak for dying god since you seem to lack crit damage. Also symbol of solael seems like the best option for component especially for superbosses.

Field Command is a group aura, similar to Blood of Dreeg, so yes, the modifiers for Field Command also apply to the pets.

I also second the notion above, Dying God is critical for a build like this one, and if you’re taunting the enemies with War Cry, it makes no sense to have Ishtak where the pets are also taunting. Thankfully the devotion change is easy, just replace Ishtak & Lion with Dying God and Jackal.

I’d also recommend taking the points out of War Cry’s Terrify and Break Morale and place them into Blade Arc until you have 100% Weapon Damage; then you can always apply the flat RR without any worries of the values being reduced.

Here’s what it would look like with all the proposed changes:

I see ty:

I agree, never thought about that

In terms of values, do you mean the max - vit resistance on Symbol of Solael to monsters based on the players weapon damage or is it something else?

Additionally if you put Ulo skill on War Cry based on Grimtools, I noticed it targets a random enemy for removing their buff and your debuff while it works on one area for Blade Arc or Cadence.

The Guardian of Death’s Gate weapon has 20-30 flat resistance shred baked into the axe (which is why the War Cry’s Terrify node is redundant in this build, as flat resistance shreds do not stack), but the degree to which the weapons flat RR shred works depends on the %Weapon Damage of the skill you’re using to apply it. If the axe has 30 flat RR, but you’re using a skill with 50% Weapon damage, then the Axe will only apply 15 flat RR. Hence you want a >100% Weapon Damage skill to apply the full 30 flat RR (before you ask, no the flat RR doesn’t increase if you use a 300% Weapon Damage skill).

Symbol of Solael provides stackable Vitality RR, and works fully without being affected by anything I stated above. As Soldier doesn’t provide any stackable RR, anything you can get from items and components is valuable to take.

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