
Lets flip lunaire’s question around… Why SHOULD he have nullification?

I’d much rather see him get something that’s less annoying and more potent. Making him enrage sounds much better to me.

Unlike Aleksandr’s Meteor and Mad Queen’s aura, his nullfication can only be dealt with one way i.e by dodging. While Aleksandr’s Meteor and Mad Queen’s aura can be “facetanked” by few builds and are “dodged” by the rest.

Giving an enemy a potent ability is one thing but making him annoy the crap out of me is another. Again, I am fine with his difficulty and if removing nullification sounds like a bad thing then let’s give him temporary Super Saiyan mode to keep the fight challenging

I don’t mind dodging attacks- I still kite MQ on certain builds, I still dodge Aleks’ Meteor on most builds. But in all those cases I dodge or kite cause of how I choose to make my build. In grava’s case I simply have to dodge/kite and not really presented with much of a choice

But so many enrage already:eek:

Nullification sucks, so I have a few ideas for his homing orbs’ behaviour:

  • Resetting your hotbar so you have to reassign all your skill to it. (Re-assignation)
  • Removing all items augment so you have to re-apply them yourself (Re-augmentation).
  • Teleporting you to your default hometown (Hospitalization).
  • Exit the current session and return to Main Menu (Frustration)
  • Even better, exit the current session and return to Desktop (Vacation)
  • Changing your resolution to 400x300 with every graphics setting set to low/none (Change Resolution)
  • Crash the game (Termination)

No, it wouldn’t. One-shot mechanics is never a good design choice, it twists the game’s difficulty to artificial and creates a huge divide in character building, especially in games like GD.
First game is literally not an argument. Considering Norzan is a long-time praetorian, who also played many other ARPGs, I say you lost the case here.
They are not welcomed either by many people, otherwise we wouldn’t have this thread.

Except you missed the point entirely. The problem isn’t Null itself, the problem is it being on Grava, which already has numerous deadly abilities, as a nemesis, one of the strongest enemies in the game. If you want to be a masochist - be my guest.

Speak for yourself.

In a genre where 90% (i’m being generous, it should be more) of the gameplay is decided by gear and skill choices and the rest by some luck and a bit of player skill, having one shot attacks is a terrible design choice. Having one shot attacks makes your gear completely pointless (the entire point of the game), even worse if you made your build to be a TANK. What’s the point of being a tank if there’s one shot skills?

Made even worse further by the game having an HARDCORE option. Let’s give one shot attacks to a game where there’s a mode that you can only die once. Oh, you didn’t know that one shotted regardless of gear? Too bad! :rolleyes:

Grim Dawn is not Dark Souls, Devil May Cry or God of War, games that are solely based on player skill.

Nullification should NOT be on Grava, period. Quit trying to say it’s not an “issue” or other random nonsense, a Nemesis should never have Nullification. Even if it was on weaker Nemeses like Valdaran or Benn’Jhar, they still shouldn’t have it.

I’d like to say I am disappointed in this narrow minded approach of making only one nemesis interesting.
So I believe these abilities should be divided among all nemesis (Red Text)

Seriously though, this is riddiculous. I mean how who the hell wants those annoying pamphlet :furious:?

Who indeed

Nullification is awesome! (…puts on protective helmet and hides behind a rock)

In a game where skills are your only…skills…canceling those skills practicly takes away the gameplay.

In my opinion no enemy in game sould be able to take away my skills, cause if its not grava and it’s the squishy one, i kill him, dont realise that my skills are off cause of him, i continue my gameplay, and i might die from something else, just cause i dont have skills on.

Nukes the rock

I have nothing against “dispel magic” using monsters, and the “arcane” type heroes are fine to me. They add a little variety to the game and most of them are pretty quick to dispatch.

But i am against dispel magic when used by a nemesis boss AND at point blank range, that’s all. Just bring back Grava at the way he was in, with nullification only usable when the character takes his distance from him and all should be fine.

Whats not an issue:

Slow projectile as it is now,
Dispell buffs

What is an issue and I agree with some of the folks here:

Dispell and THEN u recieve the damage

I figured i test it out with my warlock to see how hard that thing hits. 17k hp, 80 fire/chaos…and well 1500ish armor, , 12% physical resist and i just died like nothing.

Recieve the damage, and then comes the dispell, I’m down with that.

As for the melee thing, add more animation for the boss so that its more visible when it happens. Like make his wings light up a bit or something.

Idk…im not making that much of an issue out of it. :rolleyes:

The few that posted vids of “fighting” him, (yes, QUOTES) win by cheesing out with laying dots and running in circles.
He’s clearly too hard for 99.9999% of us and it’s a feature to avoid.

But his power is nothing against such necro.