100% uptime Menhir's will

Has anyone ever tried to make Menhir’s will into a reliable form of sustain ?

At 26/16, Menhir’s will has a 12 second cooldown and a 10 second duration, and there are 2 items that lower its cooldown by 2 or 3 seconds.

If you were to have high health, high health regen, and decent defences overall, you would get potentially 100% possible uptime on a very massive health regen source…

Sure it only triggers when your health gets to 1/3rd but you don,t need it until it does anyway, right. You just need to have high enough health to not be one-shot before it triggers.

Just wondering if anyone ever tried to do something with it ? :thinking:

Cooldown only starts when the effect ends, just like Blast Shield and Arcane Will.


Ahhh… Well that kills it.

Is there a way to tell which skills start their cooldown when they are activated and those that start when they finish ?

Is it the active vs triggered ones ?

“activates when”/“criteria” proc buffs start cooldown after the buff ends
Resilience, Blast Shield, Arcane Will, Deadly Aim, Fighting Spirit etc etc

the criteria basically being different than basic “chance when x”, ex Fighting spirit you could say is a form of “chance when hit” but the criteria is then formulated as when taking dmg

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