1008 Commando EZ exGladiator150 with 0tower&buff&consumable, no cheat, no bluff, just a simple video

If you want to argue semantics then yes, this is a hybrid build. Barely. In actuality it’s a caster build with 1 point into fire strike and explosive strike and only because energy leech and aoe viper debuff. Everything else from the skills taken, to devotions to gear is just a amalgamation of JoVs BWC sorceress and AyyyLmao’s Pyromancer. You could literally remove the fire strike and explosive strike and achieve the exact same results. But yeah, totally a hybrid

thx! This is my friend’s build so unfortunately whether or not to test it with variants is not within my power. :rolleyes:

This build has been viable since It’s a very tanky build and I believe first popped up on the chinese forums. One of my favorites!

I killed Ultimate Avatar of Mogdrogen in 32 minutes facetank with your setting, no consumables but health potion each time he summon pets. Kill time so long cause of this bitch keep run, run and summon all the time :furious:

Unfortunately this build is not done by me. But with banners and buffs I expect her to finish one run of ex100-150 in around 20-25 mins:rolleyes:

Could someone explain what gear is used in this video ? Due to quality i don’t recognize all items…

Infernal Knight set ( Head, Chest Armor, Shoulders, Belt)
Pants: Legwraps of the Tranquil Mind
Boots: Golemborn Greaves
Gloves: Wyrmbone Handguards
Rings: Open Hand of Mercy and Closed Fist of Vengeance
Amulet: Avenger of Cairn
Relic: Ulzuin’s Pyroclasm
Weapon: Warpfire
Shield: Siegebreaker
Medal: Mark of Divinity

he must really good rolls because with the same setup I can’t cap all rez

this video not .8
where you can follow the build? 1 video 0.8 ?
thx a lot

Can anyone tell from the video those devotions bindings?

I actually thought buffed S&B, compared to…

I’ve been trying to figure out the build from the video, so far I have this as the grimcalc without skills:


Does anyone know what the devotions are and what they are bound to? I’ve been going over this video for too long and I am way too tired to figure this shit out lol

Edit: I also have ZERO idea what stat point allocation would be, has anyone made this build? what would stat points be? Looks like it might be most into physique and some into spirit but I’m not sure exactly how much.

Edit2: Being new to the game I also have ZERO idea what components and augments to aim for- any and all help would be appreciated.

here OP’s Grimtool setup: http://www.grimtools.com/calc/vNQe58N6

Kinda solid for a setup without any highend green, tho i disagree on several choices. :slight_smile:

What would you change on this build?

Keep in mind he built this way because he wanted to do a 100-150 clear without any cruci buff & not even using a health/energy pots so it ended up with some more defensive choices than usual.

Can you post your bwc commando build? Ive been looking for it for ages, cant seem to find it -.-

anyone update this build?

There are a few updated bwc mandos lying around in the forums though there are no dedicated threads. Will be hard for me to find them now cause I’m at work so I’ll leave the searching to you.

Zhuugus has a version on the ‘Reasonably Powerful Builds’ thread while JoV has a version on his ‘BWC Sorcerer’ thread (check the last few pages for JoV’s commando build.

Ty very much. Been out of game too long.