2h melee fire strike needs 2-3 more WPS to be viable

Does anyone have any idea which items could have a rework that provides enough WPS to enable 2h melee fire strike build(s)?

You can get 2 WPS from Soldier / Necromancer / Berserker, 1 from Shaman / Oathkeeper. Which one would you like to see supported?

It’s true that there aren’t many items granting melee two-handed WPS (actually I only found one). Some Grim Misadventures hinted that “+x% chance to use WPS” was a new item skill modifier in Fangs of Asterkarn so fingers crossed.


you forgot Seal of the Void - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database
in Oleron’s Blood gets changed to wps, (but still occupies the weapon slot ofc)


Oh yeah, I had normal and magic items disabled so it didn’t show in the database.

From GM #187:



Yeah and watching @RektbyProtoss VoD on items in FoA he got Avalanche up to 60% proc chance. Definitely some shenanigans gonna be happening next expansion. :sweat_smile:


Neither. The thing is, the total %proc of a WPS is too low, no matter the current possible combinations, but i was thinking about that and i had no idea where i would put new WPS and that is why what you said could be a good solution, “+x% chance to use WPS”.

That is really cool! A “+% additive chance to proc” for the whole pool could work too, could be more versatile for building.

The total chance to proc is fine. A cold/bleeding character with Shaman + Berserker has 75% chance without using any item increasing chances. Grimcalc has already updated to allow everyone to fiddle with the Berserker skills: Mystic, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Soldier + Necromancer can get to 100% too. I don’t remember if the build is physical/vitality or aether/vitality but there are conversion items dedicated to that specific combination. I’m sure people here posted Death Knight builds using all 4 WPS.

Now, regarding the question from the OP, it’s true that there aren’t enough WPS for two-handed melee fire strike since Demolitionist gets 0 WPS, but there is a fire modifier for Avalanche which Rekt leaked while we’re not supposed to show items so keep hope.