2x Seal of Destruction or 2x Enchanted Flint+Burning Weapons for a fire caster build?


Which one is superior?
Just get more overall fire % from flint or use the seal and get a bit more crit dmg. but less fire % ?
Doing a pure fire dmg. mortar + rune of kalastor purifier FYI.

Help is very much appreciated! :slight_smile:

What’s your main attack?

EDIT: I just saw the mortar/kalastor bit.

I would use 1 of each.

Storm fire is a decent spam skill.

alright, thanks alot for the fast answer! :wink:
not sure if i will even have time to use the stormfire cuz the build already is fairly button heavy…

share a GT homie


there you go… thats the current state of the character, just hit lvl 94 and gearing up so thats why no comps / augs atm and why he isnt wearing pants atm (will be grava’thul leggings) but this should give you an idea about what I’m doing. :wink:

Edit: the current terrnox tome isnt finaly either… one with 200 ele% and another +3 to inquis seal waiting, just have to respec attributes for it.
Points spend on abilities will also be adjusted after finishing gearing.

How good is Stormfire nowadays? Can the fragments on it hit the same target as well or are they just for AoE?

Unless i’m missing something, on paper it doesn’t seem strong unless you have Lightning->Fire conversion (or vice versa), have a ton of weapon damage or it shotguns.

Looks good, I think you can definitely squeeze in stormfire in there if you don’t mind playing the piano for a little more DPS

If the target is large enough, yes.

It should function identically to canister bomb as far as mechanics go.

@Evil_Baka: Stormfire really shines in crucible because it really helps aggro everything in spawn corners.

But in MC or SR, I wouldn’t use it over something like chain lightning or chillspikes unless I have perfect conversion

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I guess I put stormfire where usually my “move to” would be.

You can do that for ease of use.

But as far as precision piloting goes, move-to is almost* always bound to the LMB.

The reason being is that sometimes you need to make micro-adjustments in your positioning. Having an attack skill on your LMB might get in the way of that

Thanks for the reply, I’ll have to try it out and see how well it performs as a spam filler skill. For a specific kind of build, there are a few other reasons I’d want to to use it over Seal of Skies/Night regardless.

yeh will see what i can do… been testing the stormfire for a while and even tho it feels nice to have i dont think i need it… maxed out mortar and maxed out rune already deal fuckloads of dmg.
Guess I just get another flint and be done with it…
droped a nice pair of grava leggings of insight as well, feels good. :slight_smile:
EDIT: Nvm… seal + flint it is either way… pistols cant have flints :S
Edit 2: Finished build, thought I share it with you since you helped me. :slight_smile:

@sir_spanksalot After trying it for a few days, Stormfire is better than I thought above, except for the energy cost. I’m actually considering dropping 20-30% cast speed to see it’s easier to manage energy :joy:

is stormfire your primary attack?

Filler, while Judgment/transmuted BWC are on cooldown.

If it’s a filler, then energy management should definitely take priority, though ~25% drop in CS seems harsh.

Mind sharing the GT? Feel free to PM me as well <3