[] 2H Lame Physical WitchBlade

Update by Chthon (thanks again):

Hey everyone its me again, i was bored and thought i could share this one, its pretty straight forwards and obvious build, but it could be usefull to some people, at least i hope.

So yeah another physical WB, why add this one to the list ? well why not ?!
Sheet DPS goes pretty high once more, even if we all know there is a difference between that DPS and the actual in game DPS, still its always satisfying to reach such numbers, and yeah its stupid.

Whatever here are couple of pics to show my words:

Those are with procs on obviously.

grimtool link here (click)

Few words about the build and gearing

Its physical build so, just max cadence, CoF, and breaking moral (i dont know why its 11/12 on grimtool btw, maybe cause of +skills of relic) and you have it.
Since its physical build it aint gear dependent, but obviously warborn set and leviathan are the obvious choices, same for ring of the black matriarch.
Depending of how you build you res, you can take Mark of Divinity as medal, but i didnt felt like it was needed.
About ADCTH, if you dont have the medal and/or decent solael pants (then take chausses of barbaros) think about restless remains component, and also lifegiver ring is a good option if you dont have good cronley ring.

About JoVs setup (see it just a bit under), Badge of Mastery is indeed best choice, obviously loosing Black star of deceit will make res a bit more tricky to cap, especially for chaos, and Potent Essence of Chthon as weap augment will be even more needed; also switching to Grasp of Unchained Might gloves instead of Voidsteel Gauntlets will make you loose a bit more chaos res but its proc is more than welcomed giving us +10 attack speed and assuming you have one “of kings” item our attack speed will reach, under procs around 185% which is pretty pretty good for a 2h (remember Leviathan doesnt give us attack speed also); as JoV said an “ordered” affixe will be well needed to cap our res. This setup sureoffers more damage output especially will all procs on; still it will need you to get more specific MIs to cap res and get enough ACDTH; feel free to go for it if your gear allows you to. Personaly i kept Giant Blood devotion.

also check this thread by jajaja, even if its a bit old it will still show you pretty well how you can build physical char without that much gear here (click)
yeah its a warder, you can also go for shaman but i prefered occultist for CoF, attack speed from solael witchfire and Blood of Dreeg with poison and physical res, and OA. Still with Shaman youll get more HP and mana wont be an issue, cause yeah its one of the cons.

About devotion

First youll noticed its almost same as the one Jajaja offered
The deal is to grab both Kraken and Oleron.
For those who aint familiar with this, to grab Kraken just complet a random constellation like Eel to unlock Kraken, once Kraken is unlocked and completed youll be able to reset the points in Eel.
I took Owl cause of the -5% energy cost and 15% reflected dmg reduction, but you could totally take empty throne instead if you need it to cap your res or hammer.

Skills and attributes points

As said earlier the deal is to max cadence, CoF, and Breaking Moral; then care about oleron rage and dont forget to give attack speed some needed love from squad tactics and solael witchblade; whatever the gear you have you should have way enough skill points to do that, aint mandatory at all to put as much points in blitz but i honestly didnt know where to put them, you could put 2 in bloody pox to get fevered rage to increase kill times a bit, but becarefull with that …
About attributes, put a very few in spirit to equip the needed gear, same for physique then rest in cunning to reach decent OA, feel free to adjust according to your needs and tastes.
Again about Jovs set up, you can also go full physique even if it aint needed to get decent DA.


As i already said, prepare some mana potions, but its manageable enough imo; also other main con is the lack of AOE dmg, CoF with falcon swoop sure help a lot, but be aware its not where this build shines.
Breaking moral is only needed on bosses/heroes or bigger mobs like flesh hulks, you shouldnt need it against the rest.
As you saw on pics, the damage can be a bit random due to its large range, but expect some pretty high crits that can reach 300K in campaign…
could do crazy numbers in crucible, i didnt tried but this build isnt made to be played in this mode anyway imo.

Lots already been said about physical witchblade, so i wont say more about, still i felt i could add this one to the list since its 2h, its more than viable over whole campaign content, including nemesis; and again very flexible about the gearing and so can be “rookie” friendly.

I hope it will be usefull to some and, as always feel free to comment, ask questions and give opinions !

Attachment: Chaos_physical witchblade.jpg

in case needed

Was there supposed to be an augment on your weapon?

oh yaeh right, dunno what happened, put potent creed cunning or anything that may cover res if needed

Imho potent essence of Chthon would be better option.

Nice build, I have similar one tho with a bit different gear and devotions.

With only DM on

With other procs and DM on

Noticeable difference is that my setup is using dire bear devotion on top of Kraken and Oleron and for additional ADCTH Im using Dreadloards Cronley signet instead of BSoD.
To compensate lack of Behemoth I pumped extra points into menhirs will, left blitz on only 1 pt investment and used other points in soldiers passives/actives.

ah yeah didnt thought of dire bear, hmmm
still i wonder how you reach such OA while going full (or almost i assume) physique

For starters he has BoM medal. I would replace Black star:p

2H Lame Physical WitchBlade

2H build is badass by default. Or is that a code for “nothing to nerf here”?

100k dps… I think my full ultos Warder was at 50k at best.

I had the same idea earlier this year but completely lacked Warborn. :frowning:

It’s not the same as jajaja’s since jajaja’s Warder uses Savagery instead.

EDIT: wish Markovian was a viable set for 2H builds. Would be twice as badass cuz of looks alone.

oh i agree, i love 2h and would love to see them more efficient

i put lame in title instead of “+100K DPS insane DPS” cause it would be wrong, and also i think we had enough such titles lately :rolleyes:
Also “lame” cause its straight forwards build, nothing original or difficult to understand in it, and kinda hold LMB; and i love being ironical.

With all those physicalk witchblade with warborn we had at some point, i just felt i could post a 2h for a change, that is again, really viable and “noob” friendly since its physique.

ill try with BoM but i believe ill need to steal some MI from other chars to cap res then, arghh feeling lazy …:eek:

Similar to AAR builds, 2H phys builds look really good on paper, but noting more, in any other aspect they are mediocre when comparing to DW or S&B.

Im using ordered soleal sect of natures bounty as pant, ring is dreadlords of alacrity, boots are same as yours.

P.S. It is full physique, but again basic value of 2.6k OA is mediocre and should be easy achievable. Setups has 3 procs that are significantly upping OA and that is pretty much redeeming in that aspect.
Also I pumped OR to 16/12 to get some more OA and flat trauma, trauma DOTs are in range of 60-70k whit usage of Olerons Blood, with addition on blitz they could achieve more than 80k easy.

Im using ordered soleal sect of natures bounty as pant, ring is dreadlords of alacrity, boots are same as yours.

P.S. It is full physique, but again basic value of 2.6k OA is mediocre and should be easy achievable. Setups has 3 procs that are significantly upping OA and that is pretty much redeeming in that aspect.
Also I pumped OR to 16/12 to get some more OA and flat trauma, trauma DOTs are in range of 60-70k whit usage of Olerons Blood.

Thanks for posting this, super helpful to have an introductory 2h build out there. I currently have a HC warder that I have at 85 that I just switched to physical due to drops leaning that way. Does anyone have a quick grim calc to suggest the best way to distribute your points?

I have been using primal bond because I have shaman mastery filled out and the damage absorb is nice, but would I be better off biting the bullet and filling out the mastery bar and gaining oleron’s rage?

Definitely appreciate this build, I may end up finishing leveling my witchblade due to it seeming like a better fit.

im glad you found it usefull and thanks for the nice words;

well imo oleron rage is way better since it will up your OA and total speed, which is very important for a 2h build, however since you play in hardcore, im not sure how the loss of damage absorption may feel.
for skills distribution ill do something like that


but aint easy to say since i dont know your gear and +skills and how the char feels in HC, but basicly warcry and break moral have to be maxed, also field command, cadence ofc with deadly momentum, then the rest is up to you; not sure about wendigo totem (i hate this skill personaly);
same goes for devotions, you could take chariot of the dead instead of oleron for example; but i dont want to give much advices for HC char since i only played one char in HC (still alive at lvl 70 ^^)
i dont want you to die because of a mehh HC advice from me !

Thanks so much for the advice, I’ve only tried savagery so I will give cadence a whirl and see if it feels better.

100k DPS is decent to look at, even if sheet DPS doesn’t mean much. It’s still pretty soothing

Good job

and excellent job on the title as well… will never probably get nerfed because of that;)

Is this correct? I thought Olerons rage only provided movement speed. Im running a witchblade build myself with focus on chaos/physical and skipped Olerons in favour for Possession, damage mitigation and boost.

Anyway, this build looks cool and big numbers are always nice to see. My chaos/physical reaches sheet dps numbers around 140k but still feels inferior to many of my other characters with much less impressive numbers.

my bad, in my mind it was total speed dunno why
yeah sheet dps can be a pretty big “lie”; chaos melee tends to reach crazy sheet dps, kinda like AAR builds, still i was first impressed by this one since i wasnt expecting it; the other thing to count is the large damage range from our weap(57-594 !!) combinated with cadence behaviour it makes a bit RNG DPS, but sure crazy crits shows up often.
Basicly on a heroe, you may feel like not doing dmg, like “damn am I hitting him ?” and suddenly you just OS xD, kinda fun…
Anyway as for my previous post with pyro/WB chaos melee, i prefer to say right in first place to not get impressed by sheet dps, while the feeling in game doesnt follow that.
Still i posted it since its very viable build, and overall “easy” to gear up; and last but not least, its a 2h.

Updated gear section thanks to JoV setup.
Obviously up this build :

“Increased base damage of 2h melee and ranged weapons at levels 26+ by 3-15%. This increase is more significant at higher levels.”

2H physical Warder is my first character in GD and I still loved it. Well, coincidentally, a few days ago I got the idea to swap Shaman for Occultist and I will not be going back. It feels way more fluid, powerful, and it’s fun AF.

Regarding energy issues, yeah I ran into it hard. I tried two points in Viper, and it helped, but didn’t fix it. Was thinking about an Arcane Spark or two, but before I invested in making them, I wanted to try Scales of Ulcama.

At rank 5 it has already nullified any energy issues I had. Totally fixed everything, and that’s with spamming rank 22 Blitz, along with CoF, BoD, WC/BM, etc…It just doesn’t matter anymore and it seems to have made the build more fluid.

I swapped out Rhowan’s Scepter for Scales. I know, it sounds kinda dumb right? But I don’t even miss the DPS it gave me and the 6% HP carries over to Scales. I overlooked that Constellation forever and now I’m sold.