Right, so managed to finally get back into GD, not functional enough to go record footage etc, so this is just a dump of where I’ve gotten to so far.
The recent changes definitely helped though, as all of these can do SR85-86 with some careful piloting. Because 15% PR is painful >_< I’ve also probably missed something, but that’s what posting them here is for.
.zip contains all 4 builds, with all their loot, because I’m too damn tired to clean it out
Exonerator Cadence Tactician: Tactician, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
- Hits like a tank, 100% WPS, fairly tanky. ’
- Decent survivability
- Penetrates everything, basically 2 railguns lawl.
- Lack of lightning RR, so Valdaran and Grava are annoying to fight.
- Terrible physical resist on paper, yet it endures.
Once the changes to Myth. Dawnshard Grip are up the gloves will be swapped over, provided the loss of adcth isn’t as big of an effect on survivability of course.
Exon. Firestrike Purifier: Purifier, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
- It’s okay lawl.
- Has enough DPS though to do SR85-86 in good enough time
- 100% WPS easy to get.
- Just not enough points really for FS + WPS
- PR’s still lacklustre, can get 1 hit killed by Fabius etc and Moo’s meteors are annoying in 85-86
- Uses the noob trap relic, because pooooooints.
Weirdly turned out to be a bit lacklustre despite the modifiers on the guns, more points would help, but let’s face it, lighting gunslingers don’t have a lot of baked in support lawl. Still better than the Ultos based Vindicator version…
Exon Savagery Vindicator: Vindicator, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
- Setless, only requires one Myth. Exonerator
- Packs a very useful extra -15% Lighting RR
- Hits less hard than the Cadence one, but can chew through everything in SR85-86
- Good enough survivability for SR85-86.
- 89% WPS works well enough.
- Uses a caster pistol, so getting 200% AS was annoying.
- Needs Haunted Steel so can’t get 100%
- Needs MOAR conversion to lightning.
- Also more health and PR would definitely help.
Been working on this take for since AoM released lawl. Finally viable thanks to the changes to Myth. Exonerator that it actual meets the Ludrigan set version :3
Ludrigan Based Exon. Savagery Vindicator: Vindicator, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
- Easier to assemble, in theory.
- Hits like a tank thanks to the interactions between the set and Myth. Exonerator.
- Thanks to set bonus + belt can actually kite and do damage due to ST and Spear of Heaven.
- Which means it’s got probably the best survivability of the bunch.
- Can’t get 26/16 for Savagery, boo, hiss.
- Subpar WPS total, alleviated partly by Chill Shot being modified to hit so more hard.
- No DA shred.
This came together years ago, made even better by the changes to Myth. Exonerator. To the point I could pull points from Storm Totem for WPS and not have a loss in total DPS.
Dishonorable Mention
For all that is unholy, don’t try this out on Ultos, it’s “fine” for 2 handers and Primal Strike, but it’s just garbage for pistols when it comes to SR85-86. And slow for SR75-76 simply due to a lack of skill points for Inquisitor.