4th pots category called Salve

which is the point… it creates non meta variance depending on specific build need and fight circustance, so regardless if raw hp is used frequent because effective, it’s not everything, and that’s important and matters in the end
you have bunch of things viable that isn’t just raw hp, so there isn’t “only 3” we use, even if some are used more on certain or better optimized builds
and still, even if it was; it doesn’t change your suggestion leads to freebie, which is bad… - we should not get resist for free, we should not get regen for free, it’s really that simple

How on earth do you think the current system promotes non-meta variance!
Anyway the pot is weaker than using the ring component and showed when they stood in too many pools, if they moved around then again the energy regen pot wouldnt had been needed.
Its a bad example to make your case that everything is fine…

no it’s not… 4% being stronger than 25 flat is gonna vary hugely depending on build, so it might be stronger than yours/on your specific setup but wont be a general thing (specially with % based procs in play)
but again; it doesn’t matter, component boost vs pot is entirely irrelevant because it doesn’t change you’re trying to give regen builds another 10% total regen for free
and it’s the “for free” thing that makes it bad… :neutral_face:

I am talking about using Soul Shards. Stun res isnt needed for this fight.
The Elixir btw does not look like Void to me but one we all use (Dranghoul), so only the Oil being Jelly Extract is used for regen.
With that said as I mentioned the pot was only partially useful and even then they had to move out of the pools where the energy leech on the build has made a difference, so the energy pot could potentially be avoided anyway with just 1 Soul Shard.

Please will you just stop posting in my topics, you really are screwing them up, I am sure you would not like me to post disagreements in all your own topics or responses and make them a total fustercluck as you have now with 3 of my topics.

Just for clarity the build is great just that it is a bad example used as “everything is fine and this proves it”.
For big hit fights it is so hard to give up either of these oils: Ugdensalve (+800 health and energy), or Royal Jelly Essence (+8% health and energy), unless your playing a build already with over 20k health.

i wouldn’t mind
and if you notice; i’m repeatedly staying on topic even :smile:

and that wasn’t the example, way to go missing that also

which is surprisingly not uncommonly possible… :neutral_face:

again, it’s very very easy, and i’ve repeated it multiple times, you’ve even confirmed this multiple times;
you want a freebie, a freebie is bad, imo it should not happen, it would be contra to the whole change
and yes a freebie is exactly what you want/requesting here, and you can’t in anyway argue around that basic effect…

and no i’m not gonna refrain from objecting to a change/request i perceive as bad, specially when that exact happening gets glossed over/ignored yet confirmed, repeatedly, even if you don’t like someone disagreeing…

I DONT want a freebie, i am pointing most potions are now meaningless and NO you have not stayed on topic you skew the topic for your arguing to royally fustercluck it all up.
If you dont like what is said dont try to argue all the time, I dont agree with a lot you say but I am not Fing up someone elses topics.
All you have proved is you like arguing Gnomish if you feel the game is not played to your “standards”.

If you cannot understand how 1200-1600 extra health is important when fighting ravager/etc when you have say 18.5k-20k health and keep arguing 300 health/sec is better or using an energy pot is better then I feel your now just trolling.
You now skew the argument as if its one big hit, the reality is you dont just take the big 14-20k hits (latter if sundered but applying reduced dmg), you also take follow up dmg from area effects/dots/etc.
1200-1600 health can be the difference between ripping before you can react properly.

You disagree and I disagree with you, this is not going to change and I feel you keep on doing this in ALL my topics, difference is I am not going into a lot of your own posts and making repeatedly skewed arguments to fit my own standards.
Chatting to some others they also feel you argue way too much and one reason they have given up posting.

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if you don’t like being replied to, then just don’t engage easy; if you reply to me i’m going to answer, simple

“this is a freebie”; doesn’t matter how you feel about it, it’s the definition of a freebie, and no it doesn’t add choice; when it’s free

which is irrelevant to this, that would be a balancing issue as Ceno already mentioned
you should be arguing either for the dmg buffs being worth considering or the the other pots worth considering; not to get resist or regen for free - which is what you’re asking

i’m am not once or ever arguing they are better, it seems you struggle with such simple concepts; i’m saying they are in play because them being used or able to be used, or other pots able to be used other than 1-2k hp means there is still choice and meaning in them; they are not however free since it is currently a choice between the hp or 30-50% lifesteal, silly mana regen, block, health regen etc

i said it before and i’ll say it again; when see an unfitting or “bad” request/suggestion; i’m gonna voice my opposition if i have on, just like if i’m in favour i will voice that; when you make a suggestion i think is agreeable; i’ll happily agree
these 2 topics however are not, dare i say one is more misguided than the other in these specific instances, and while you disagree, which is your right, so is mine, and if you want to argue about that disagreement you will have to actualyl do so, and have yet not been able to put forth a single notion why this is a good idea contra my notion of bad, much less that it’s not a freebie effect “because it is a freebie”

like i said, feel free to do so

yet my arguments in both topics have been exactly on topic…
there is nothing skewed just because you in both instances fail to see the obvious…

so allow me to reiterate, this is a freebie, that alone makes it bad, yes it’s my opinion it’s bad; but the outcome is a freebie non the less “that part is not opinion”
^this part should be simple to understand,
just like adding weights to boots because you can’t fix your build is bad; because it’s gonna skew boots for every single other build, (and for the recording you still didn’t even answer the basic yes no question in that thread either) - so if anyone is skewing stuff, it might be you, because my points/questions remain repeatedly “to the very topic”

I think you have both made your points for this thread so move on. The devs will decide whether they want to implement such a change or not. Your continued arguing over it isn’t going to change that. You’ve made your points so leave it now.

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