4th pots category called Salve

The changes to limiting pots by category is a nice idea as it brings back a sense of balance rather than just chugging everything.
With that said I would like to suggest all health-energy increase, all regen and all resist pots are in their own category called Salves, it gives players a bit more interest on what to use while also still keeping it restrictive in a structured way.
And this category either 900sec or 450sec duration.


FoA will bring us a new potion customization system, and the current division into 3 categories is preparation. We don’t know the details yet, but this implementation probably won’t require a new category of potions.

Yeah I appreciate FoA may influence some pot behaviours (it may limit it to just specific ones or types), but without knowing it is worth posting a suggestion on what feels missing in the current iteration.
The suggestion may even be complimentary to FoA intent.

curious why/what makes it feel “missing”
since they are technically there now; you just can’t stack them
all you’re asking is to allow them to stack or what could be considered "a free stat"boost
*since right now you can still use them in the same manner you’re suggesting; you just can’t use them with a dmg boosting or other stat boosting pot
hence the notion of why free regen/why a free resist matters - outside just getting an extra stat

Whats missing is some flexibility and interest as choices are now very restricted in oils that include faction,misc pots, buff pots,etc.
Tinctures are more of a niche requirement and with their 10sec I find it easier to ignore them with slot use being tight for other interesting skills/items.
As it currently stands with just 3 categories (2 of them pretty much core to playing) your reduced to more of a meta decision not even considering other options.
BTW I agree the game needed more structure on pots that can be used but now its too rigid; hence say a Salve category that is still balanced because all the health-mana boost,resists, and regen pots are in it so your still restricted quite a lot.

TBH context is more what passes as end-game related in GD rather than campaign-story.

again, i’m asking why/where
because, as i see it, what you’re asking doesn’t offer that, it just grants you a free stat, so why does this matter, in what regards is this “too rigid” to not allow regen builds free extra regen vs making a choice for more dmg/health/OA - since non regen builds wont benefit from it
likewise, in terms of resist, why/where is that too rigid, *if when the notion is you’re suppose to cover base resist in the build itself, and not be “greedy” and skimp just because you can then sort it with a port every session
the way i’m seeing it doesn’t make it rigid; it makes you make an actual choice; regen build makes a choice of offence or defence one way or another
“greedy” builds make a choice of not covering a base res in build vs getting a free stat in pots - tradeoff happenign in either case

**tbh i legit think GD should just do completely away with the res pots all together now :sweat_smile: - but even without that i don’t think it’s rigid/don’t see how this wouldn’t just be a freebie; which the whole change was supposed to alleviate

Gnomish having a 4th category is obviously flexibility…
Your splitting it down to much it feels like to argue.
Resists,regens,boost to health-mana are ALL IN the same category, why are you splitting them out.
It would still be much more restricted than pre 1.2.1

Are you saying you have not noticed a trend to ignore a lot of the pots that now exist in the game as oils?
Because thats a very different experience to me and a lot of other posts I saw in test feedback but did not give a structured alternative.

If you wish it to be even more restrictive then suggest some other oils that should be in same category as Salve.
Like I said its not about campaign-story its more to do with Grim Dawn end-game building.
I used to enjoy using 30sec pots or working out how to fit them into the playstyle but now I am meh stick with same core ones most of the time for oil/elixir.

As an example maybe include the lifesteal pots in as a salve category as well.

edit: TLDR; in my perspective you’re conflating flexibility with freebie, and i dont’ think that’s it/that type of “flexibility” is necessary here
-and not seeing anything to fully explain that as an actual “need”/benefit other than “yay free stat gain”

“for a reason”
i’m not sure if that’s misunderstood or just glossed over?

but less than 1.2.1, and, imo (can’t speak for devs), this specific less restriction would be “bad”/counteract part of the element of the 1.21 change, and give you a freebie because of teh specific stats desired/specific salve change

which was the whole point? - make a calculated choice of what benefits you most or what you need most; vs just getting XY stat for free at no cost/tradeoff
^what you’re suggesting is in essence a freebie in several scenarios

which again was the whole point
the old potion approach allowed pure freebies; now you have to make a decision of which
your suggestion would then lower that restriction; and just so happens to be (imo) the most freebie stat element; resist and regen, because those are the most passive potential for gains

however much i was an abuser of lifesteal oils before i don’t think it would be a good thing
because that was the thing, it allowed to skip build properties for freebie pot replacement

perhaps this/personal example serves best to highlight where i’m coming from
pre 1.2.1 i had several builds going ultra greedy on low lifesteal, why?; i could stack 2 lifesteal pots for free if i could bother 2 buttons in my rotation every 30secs
not only does only 1 lifesteal pot exist now, so half the lifesteal is available to me; it’s no longer free, since it blocks other slots, that means i have to make a calculated choice of which pot to use; Or compensate the lifesteal in my build as it’s no longer free

exact same goes for example freeze res, 9/10 times i wouldn’t even factor in freeze res as a consideration in my builds; because i’d run a freeze res pot always
^technically there is no Celestial where freeze pot matters so i don’t have to make that tradeoff for Celestial fights still, but i can’t use freeze res and other elixirs for SR
with your suggestion, you’re now allowing that back in with the use of an additional pot,

same would go for regular res, you can now skimp aether res/vit res whatever, and just fix it freely on a pot, unobstructed; that’s a freebie stat gain, you’re not making a tradeoff anywhere, you’re not making a “choice” in which pot to use,
you’re forgoing a base stat inclusion in your build and can make it up permanently/passively “for free” with a potion, because that potion comes at a non tradeoff cost; you can still use the elixirs on top

imo that’s not flexibility, because it’s just being granted an alround 24/7 freebie
most egregiously would ofc be regen; since that would objectively just be a constant passive freebie boost to regen builds as they would never want to consider the other salves, so there is no choice/tradeoff being made just a free stat gain “just like before”
^and the whole “free stat gain like before” is what this change was meant to somewhat counteract

Its worth noting Gnomish that now we are reduced to single resist or single regen pots they are basically nice to have even IF you can use them.
Case in point latest caster-adcth build has 3k health regen, using the best single regen pot gives me around 325sh extra regen/second, its never worth my time to consider this over one primary oil option that takes precedent for nearly every build in end-game related content.
The health regen figures are only worth it for a single pot when you have a great health regen, and those builds do not need the pot anyway.

Its why the changes will be more nice to haves rather than game changing.

point stands, you would get them for free, this would not be good, and it would specially not be good with regen builds in mind just getting extra free regen

you are literally making your own case against it here, and it’s amazing you don’t see how it would be a freebie, and something that then shouldn’t just be a freebie :neutral_face:

This sounds like a suggestion for a balancing adjustment as opposed to a new item class.

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Maybe, but I like the idea of a 4th category to give a bit of nice to have tactical choice.
As it is and also watching others we are all falling back to same oils and elixirs.

It would not be for free because regen pot would be with certain others nice to haves as well.
Even if it was in a 4th category I would mull over whether to use it on my current regen build, but at least I would now be considering it.

it would not, because you yourself specified
1; the new category would be resist and regen only regen wins easily there already - while taking no requirement for others
2, regen already wins for you in the choice of the other buffs
that’s literally the very definition of getting free regen + an elixir if you then move regen to salves so you don’t have to forgo anything

you would not, because not only are you already not (you just said regen always wins over HP/OA-DA/dmg/speed); you put it in a less/0 competition category

i don’t mean to be rude, but i truly do not fathom how you can’t see that, specially by your own wording then… :no_mouth:

Regen does not win at all over what you just said and your misunderstaning my point.
I suggest keep those together for balance reason and then I would mull over POTENTIALLY using it, its not a given as you seem to think.
Or keep as is and its sadly wasting in-game resources that arent used end-game.

If you cannot realise which 3 pot options are currently used by most people end-game and argue the point, I feel your trolling.

there will not ever be a single point where you chose a +30 resist over regen…

one being it doesn’t matter what others use, or what you think others only use
and even If we concede that to be the case; it doesn’t change your suggestion is still just giving builds a free stat… how is this hard to understand?
freebies not being a thing was the whole point, freebies is both a "meaningless"build option, but also a bad thing,
you want, by definition, to get either resist or regen for free, this should not be a thing, and it’s not a good thing, imo, but would also be contra to the whole elixir change on top…

FoA is going to change endgame resource spending

I know what others use from actually WATCHING them gnomish.
Context end-game players anyway.

no, you don’t, you know what the handful of people/builds you’ve watched used
which does not constitute all builds or all players…
big ginormous generalization issue there

voila, i’ll give you a quick free sample for data pool flavour

Your kinda making my point.
One of those is always the go to, the other is used for mana regen vs a very intensive energy regen drain end-game boss…
Of course could change the ring compnts for that fight and use an even better choice instead of the energy regen pot.