Need help for my shieldbreaker

I made a lot of modifications and tried really hard, killed him 2-3 times (although I practiced a lot) but still hard for me unfortunately. Couldn’t make the fight easy, even with some retreat strats. Shieldbreaker, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

  • Spirit Dump for these ENergy Leech pools

  • Mines to Elemental Storm so that we don’t have to use Movement skills to proc it

  • Haunted Steel for more Life Leech and mini-ghoul for demand

  • 5 ADCTH glove component

  • Fox instead of Raven

  • more Bleed res in augments, the rest Omen for more DA

  • Malmouth Heart weapon augment for more Health because flat Lightning is converted anyway

  • skill points changed a little bit, nothing important

  • Either ENergy or Life Leech Oil

  • Dranghoul elixir

Maybe I have a bad day or sth but still would not recommend because the fight doesn’t allow for mistakes (can kill you in 2 hits sometimes if you lose concentration). But juggling Health Pot, Bloodthirst, cluster makes it easier. Maybe someone have some different ideas or can play better than me