A bunch of noob questions

Then you mean that you have a finished s&b build which has let’s say %50 chance to block 4k damage and 0.50 second block recovery. And as your statement an 250 per second acid curse which holds 3 seconds has a chance to keep your chance to block busy atleast tree times. In combat againts especillay one enemy with a dot skill, instead of blocking 3-4k physical damage; you will block 250 silly dot damage right? That’s very contradictive game mechanic then…

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But with permanent Overguard uptime you get 0 sec downtime for shield permanently, which means that i will block ALL attacks which are able to be blocked, at ONCE even if they would hit me simultaniously (here i am only 99% certain), ANYTIME if i would have 100% Block chance at the same time, which i dont (70-80% on my Warlord atm)
But as you can see, the downtime of the shield is THE bottleneck of shieldplay.
Block Recovery 100% first, then % Block Chance.
Another thing to consider is, that not only DoTs can destroy the strength of a shield, but also alot of small little hits from rather weak small enemies.
If you wanna really rely on shield absorbtion, then you have to go for 100% Block Recovery. And that all the time = build around Overguard

When you have constant %100 block chance and %100 block recovery rate then your blocking ability becomes damage absorption as your block damage… how much costs to reach those numbers? You probably gonna kill the enemies with thought and prayers lol :smiley:

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Its costly yes, but not so much if you only go for Recovery, 70-80% block chance is enough. Damage is quite ok. But its not really bad.

Nice build, looks pretty but two black matriarch is useless afaik, RR doesn’t stack because they are the same curse. Use coven storm seal, I would also use runeguard greaves as you’re vulnerable to aether/elemental than physical you have already high armor. And you’re not overcapping anything so field of command and presence of virtue bonusses are better than overguard and rf. But I’m only speaking theoretically bc I have never had a s&b end game build. I have been playing GD for 5 months, I always play 2H or DW melee, I only made one acid s&b retal build then regret it instantly and turned dw acid; and now creating an eccentric build with a templar, normally 2H but I’m leveling as fire s&b because safer and faster.

Also I guess we’re hijacking the thread…

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You are right, and yea, i prefer DW too, but not 2H, thats why i have trouble with my DW Vindicator project which is a big mess atm but i think he has some potential:

And if you like to look more into my Warlord in trouble with Overguard then please here:

Thanks for your input and thoughts.


You are right but i can spread RR faster and to more opponents in the same time.

Yes, but i have rather low Physical Res and i want to kill Calla. Do you think i have a chance?

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still wondering about this:
21. if i cast a spell on one weapon set then switch, do i still get the bonuses associated with that set?
24. does time dilation go on cd if there are no skills on cd?

thanks for all the help guys.

pretty sure grimtools is incomplete since i’ve gotten drops far outside the ranges listed there. just got a 140 something OA item yesterday.

Since it works off the game’s database that’s unlikely.

That could have even been 2 OA bonuses stack together as one.
Screenshot it next time.

i mean build calc is, for example green gloves + boots not all the possible items are listed.

yeah lol, i have an impervious scarab carapace of prowess in my inventory. both the prefix and suffix are not listed. lol not even celerity for offhands and alacrity for weapons are listed. idk about this.

Not sure exactly what your problem is; the calc isn’t going to show affixes for items in your inventory. But equipped items it will show. Like this:


Are you saying it’s not showing in the calc for you?

uh… look at the calc again for green gloves and boots, they don’t exist past 70 faction items. alacrity, celerity, and numerous other suffixes + affixes don’t appear in the list of options for greens. its incomplete. i’m not talking about whats in my inventory.

It’s correct. These are all base green gloves. There are no 90 level base green gloves. Green at 90 level gloves comes from rare affixes. Same with boots.

Here they are. Could you explain what you mean? Give some example?

fucks sake. nvm. i had the white + yellow turned off so… yeah. chaos ensued. didn’t know whites could be made green through affixes and suffixes and all that whatnot madness.


Some mad people even call greens / MIs with 2 rare affixes “triple rares” :crazy_face: :stethoscope: :hospital:



Even Zantai is using it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Rare item, rare prefix, rare suffix - how is it not a triple rare. :rofl:

Sure but if we follow this convention, a double rare could be

  • a MI / rare with one rare affix
  • a common/magic with two rare affixes

which is a bit confusing.

jesus, i just graduated to common item lol. stop with this triple rare madness. miss me with that nonsense.