A while ago I made a spreadsheet to calculate the damage of various beam/ray like skills such as AAR and Drain Essence. As it was quite informative, and sometimes surprising, I thought that others would be interested in this as well.
Note: I did dare to include two ‘not a beam’ skills which do continuous damage in a beam-like shape but they both are, I repeat, not a beam.
I’ve calculated Damage Per Second (DPS) for the direct damage sources plus the damage of the Damage Over Time (DOT) that would occur in that second. I’ve given the DPS assuming 100% and 200% Casting Speed (CS), as in the latter case the DOT adds relatively less damage. I have also added DPS for ‘overleveled’ which assumes max level of all the skill nodes.
This does not consider that multiple damage types won’t have the same amount of +%damage, so keep that in mind when comparing the skills. I also did not consider the +%damage sources of skill nodes.
In terms of AoE damage, FoI beats the other skills, but it does require a lot of skill points and energy. In terms of single target damage, Phantasmal Blades is a very clear winner, but its ‘beam like nature’ is contested. If you exclude PB, then AAR does the most single target damage. Storm Box (also “not a beam”) gets a honorary mention as it can act like a second beam in addition to one that you have to channel.
Albrecht’s Aether Ray
DPS (100% CS): 1554
DPS (200% CS): 3065
DPS (200% CS, max lvl): 5371
Targeting: Single Target
Other: +40% Crit Damage
Energy: 270.8 per second, increasing with 58.3 energy per second
Notes: High damage, but exclusively single target. Insane energy costs. Almost no DOT damage, so when you stop casting you lose all DPS.
Flames of Ignaffar
DPS (100% CS): 736 +25%WD
DPS (200% CS): 1236 +25%WD
DPS (200% CS, max lvl): 2872 +34%WD
Targeting: Short range cone
Other: +40% Crit Damage, -25 physical res, 25% chance to fumble
Energy: 162.6 energy per second
Notes: Low damage, low(ish) energy cost, hits all in a cone but short distance. Loads of DOT damage, so can alternate with other spells without losing much DPS. Don’t ignore the 25%WD as that can add a lot of damage. Overleveling adds a lot of damage.
Drain Essence
DPS (100% CS): 586 (703 with transmuter)
DPS (200% CS): 1072 (1287 with transmuter)
DPS (200% CS, max lvl): 2883 (3459 with transmuter)
Targeting: Single target, 20% to hit up to 3 more
Other: 15% (5%) ADCTH, +40% crit damage, -135 OA, 33% slow with transmuter
Energy: 150 energy per second
Notes: Low damage, with only some AoE damage. Has some nice added benefits in the form of ADCTH and -OA. Props for looking cool while casting this.
Conflagration (from the Conflagration Relic)
DPS (100% CS): 781
DPS (200% CS): 1440
Targeting: Single target
Other: +12% Crit damage
Energy: 229.2 energy per second
Notes: Works like AAR, has half the damage (but only costs a relic instead of 28 skill points) and a smaller crit bonus. Does the same damage as FoI but as a single target.
Acid Purge (from the Seal of Blight component)
DPS (100% CS): 1252 +28%WD
DPS (200% CS): 2313 +28%WD
Targeting: No idea?
Other: +25% Crit damage
Energy: 291.7 energy per second
Notes: I haven’t used this one yet, so I can’t comment on it’s playstyle. Requires lvl75, can be put in any main/off-hand, which is quite flexible. Compared to skills it seems to be doing very well in terms of damage.
Obliteration (from the Tome of the Arcane Wastes legendary)
DPS (100% CS): 817
DPS (200% CS): 1498
Targeting: Piercing beam
Other: +25% Crit damage
Energy: 300 energy per second
Notes: I haven’t used this one yet, so I can’t comment on it’s playstyle. Level 65 item. It pierces, but seems to have low damage with no added benefits.
Obliteration (from the Mythical Tome of the Arcane Wastes legendary)
DPS (100% CS): 883
DPS (200% CS): 1622
Targeting: Piercing beam
Other: +25% Crit damage
Energy: 316.7 energy per second
Notes: I haven’t used this one yet, so I can’t comment on it’s playstyle. Level 94 item. It pierces, but seems to have low damage with no added benefits. Barely does more damage than it’s non-mythical counterpart
=== “NOT A BEAM” ===
Storm Box of Elgoloth
DPS: 414
DPS (max lvl): 860
Targeting: Fire and forget. 4mtr AoE on target and a beam between you and it.
Other: -115 DA, 40% slow for 3 seconds
Energy: 75 energy per cast
Notes: Why is this one included? Because while it is a “fire and forget” skill it still functions like a beam. It does Ok’ish damage and has -DA, but it lacks a critical damage bonus. However, you can maintain its DPS with just a single cast, making it perfect to combine with another source of DPS.
Phantasmal Blades (transmuted)
DPS per blade (100% CS): 395 +12.5%WD
DPS per blade (200% CS): 705 +12.5%WD
DPS per blade (200% CS, max lvl): 1198 +17.5%WD
DPS if 5 blades hit (100% CS): 1635 +62.5%WD
DPS if 5 blades hit (200% CS): 3185 +62.5%WD
DPS if 6 blades hit (200% CS, max lvl): 6760 +105%WD
Targeting: Piercing line, 65% chance to pierce
Other: +40% Crit damage, 5 or 10% ADCTH (I’m not sure if this gets reduced by the ‘Total Damage modified by -50%’, but it used to at some point)
Energy: 80 energy per cast
Notes: Perhaps not traditionally considered a beam attack, but it does very much act like one. DPS depends heavily on how many blades hit. Shotgunning PB is pretty insane and can be done at medium-long distance. Has the highest (potential) weapon damage which further ups the damage and allows it to be self-sustainable through energy leech. Overall, it has the highest damage of all skills that are mentioned here.
Forcewave (transmuted)
DPS (100% CS): 265 +125%WD
DPS (200% CS): 531 +125%WD
DPS (200% CS, max lvl): 1050 +165%WD
Targeting: Piercing line, 100% chance to pierce
Other: +25% Crit damage, 20% slower enemy attack
Energy: 16 energy per cast
Notes: Very tricky to compare this one to the others, as most of its damage comes from weapon damage. At 200% CS it deals twice as much WD as PB but only 1/3 of the direct damage; it has shorter range, but pierces 100% instead of 65%. Not a beam.