A consumable (potion) or a vendor that can reset iron bit prices or devotions

(Note: I put this on the general discussion topic, but I deleted it and I am placing it here since this is more appropriate for this post to be placed)

Anyway, there should be a consumable (potion) or a vendor that can reset iron bit prices whenever a player removes their skill points and devotions and put it into another skill. Over time, the iron bit prices are too expensive the more players remove skill points and will have to make a new character to keep the iron bit cost low,

It is expensive and cumbersome if I make another build with the same class. It’s a waste of time since players have to start over the whole levelling process where we could reset skill points instead, but can’t since the iron bit prices over time can be too expensive.

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There are already potions that you get from some quests in the Ashes expansion and you can buy them as well which reset your attributes or devotion points. Only skill points have to be bought back as there isn’t a potion for those.

And you’re not really supposed to do big buy backs; mainly it’s just for the occasional tweak of a few points. Iirc skill point buy back maxes out at 35k.

i kinda think it’s a good idea, at the same time, depending on the price, also feels like you’re just shifting where the cost is you pay :sweat_smile: