A friendly reminder about balancing elite/ultimate

I’m also considering a mod that lets you start in ultimate with a blank character wth a stash full of varied yellows and greens, an average amount of faction status, all previous difficulty content completed etc.

Honestly I was a fan of having just 2 difficulties. :confused:
I’ve been thinking of ways to make the road to ultimate less of a slog but it isn’t easy. Maybe instead of starting in ultimate you start in elite. Hmm


For me if I use anything other than a shield then veteran enemies hit very hard. I was even 1 shot on veteran using a duel wield char, yet have never died on elite or ultimate.

I am yet to get to Ultimate. I only play on Vet HC, I have had 5 characters die. First died at 20 (I was learning the ropes). Second died at 21 from me standing in the poison room in the wardens cellar whilst looking at my inventory. Third died in a manner I don’t remember. Fourth was level 41 and kicking ass but I got him stuck in the corner of the first kill room in SOT and he got pummeled. 5th was also kicking ass and my first char to get to elite difficulty. I decided to check out the new quest area for the Origins of the Slith and didn’t see the poison floor until it was too late. He was level 53.

Point is, all my characters have been 2 handers either warder or occultist but heavily focused on soldier, in fact my witchblade build only ever takes frailty, (not sure how this will work on ultimate though) and I have so far focused on Physical, internal trauma and bleeding (lately favouring internal trauma) and both my last two characters haven’t had an issue in Vet.

I got nervous going into SoT and BoC as once in there’s no escape, legitimately, and that’s how I play. But I haven’t seen any mob ever come close to one shot’n me. It seems my worst enemy is myself and my stupidity.

I just find stacking core resistances and making sure chaos, aether etc… is around 30% or more is fine. I also always make sure I have 100% armour absorb as that helps a lot in melee. Log just wasn’t an issue when I got to him, maybe a bit high at level 50, I don’t know.

In elite I also found it easier than Vet, probably because you’re already geared and have good abilities. I was gutted to lose my last character in that poisoned floor room. But next time I will be more careful.