A Grim Journey

Hello! Hi! Howdy!

I have returned from my Path of Exile binge. I enjoyed what I played of Heist less than I thought I would, no doubt because of the couple weeks of heavy beta testing that the start of every league is nowadays. Generally speaking, bugs and crashes don’t bother me too much, it’s when they change how the league mechanic works in a not-so-minor way multiple times in the first couple weeks that throws me off and makes me not want to keep playing.

Anyways, enough grumbling about a different game. I may or may not have been a big doofus when it comes to Grim Dawn. I was a little trigger happy with cleaning out a hard drive and didn’t pay as much attention as I should have. I may or may not have accidentally deleted my save… Oops.

On the upside, I’ve got everything cosmetic just about back to what it was with Grim Internals, Grim UI, and custom loading screens. And I guess another upside is that I wasn’t too terribly far in my journey yet, so I got that going for me which is nice.

The big takeaway from this for me is that I’m not going to be keeping Classless separate from the rest of the gang, if only to make saving backups for all of them exceedingly easy so that this never happens again. :crossed_fingers:

Edit: I did find a backup of my GDStash items! Not all is lost! Huzzah!

Long time no post! Some opportunities came up and I couldn’t pass them up, learning skills adjacent to the field I want to go into is super useful.

@MikeFic_YT also organized a community league event which I briefly participated in. I figured that it was a good opportunity to throw my softcore body at some of the harder content in the game so that I have a better idea as to how those fights work before I delete hardcore characters attempting them.

As far as progression goes, I haven’t been playing too much since my last post, but I have free time again! Huzzah! I do have a Dervish solidly in ultimate (and level 97 at the time of writing this), doing some weird acid spinny business. It’s my only high level character for the moment, but that’ll be changing here soon. The plan is to use the Dervish to farm main campaign content, and probably farm out the SR waystones on normal. They’re also going to be the character that I farm Anasteria and the Barrowholm nemesis with; I don’t particularly need anything from Reaper, but having a character that can farm them might be nice in the future.

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Slow progress is slow, but little steps here and there until the journey is over.

Haven’t been playing as much as I could, I’ve been spending time with family recently (with all of the necessary safety precautions and then some!).

Dervish is in a weird spot now; I managed to farm up a couple of Mad Queen’s Claws, so the character has transitioned over to being an auto-attacking build, but the defense is still somewhat lacking. Before swapping off of the spinny business, I felt comfortable with how tanky the character was, but the damage was fairly lacking, and as a result I was scared of taking it into harder content. Currently, I like where the damage is, but I feel significantly squishier, and as a result I’m scared of taking it into harder content. Regardless of how I feel with the character, more farming is in order.

I’m also slowly working on other characters in the background, fiddling with ideas, spending far too much iron swapping skills while leveling, and occasionally ripping them because I’m not paying attention. But hey, I’m getting better at this whole “leveling quickly” thing!

I hear you on this. About five or six months ago I decided to do a full wipe and start fresh and only HC (I did Beach this a little by doing the season thing that happened in Nov/Dec). I’ve lost about a dozen charters due to dicking around. And everything else has been slow as well. I’ve been farming 35 elite SR for about a month now trying to get the damn mythic beast helm blueprint to drop. Arrgggggggg.


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Long time no post!

The all encompassing void that is World of Warcraft raid progression took over my life there for a bit. But hey, we accomplished our goals for the current raid tier, so we got that going for us, which is nice.

As mentioned previously, little steps here and there. At the moment, I struggle to sit down and play Grim Dawn for small amounts of time; when I don’t have terribly long to sit and play, by the time I figure out what I’m doing it seems that I need to get up and do other things! I figure that will change as I get more and more familiar with the game though, and doubly true when I have stronger characters built.

Signing up for the second community league was very tempting, but I held myself back. If I am to have any glimmer of hope for finishing this project, I need to keep at it and stop rerolling (willingly or otherwise…). My poor, poor altoholic self! :sob:

Currently sitting on a surprising number of duplicates considering how few grail pieces I actually have, but alas, such is RNG. I’ve been pondering what to level next, and looking at what I have at the moment I’m leaning towards trying to make something work with Mogdrogen’s Peace. We shall see what the future holds! :slightly_smiling_face:



Lots of things have happened in my little slice of the world, some good, some bad, but most relevant, not as much Grim Dawn as I would have liked. :sob:

Part of that is other commitments, and part of it is simply frustration. I was excited to bring news of multiple new characters at max with decent gear sets, but alas! Mistakes were made! And so, graves were dug for my two freshly endgame characters. But I could not be stopped! I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and started another character. A character which I promptly killed before they could shine because I stayed up far too late in my attempt to redeem myself.

So I went to bed. Then, I woke up and started yet another character. A character which perished soon after. With my mood growing more and more foul, I carried on! Killing more and more characters, I couldn’t be stopped! It was a bad week.

So I took a bit of a break, assessed the state of my characters and collection, re-evaluated my life choices, you know, the usual.

I’m considering doing a full wipe and restarting. At the current moment, I really don’t have anything particularly noteworthy in my collection, all my end-game characters are dead, and there’s something therapeutic about starting from a clean slate.

I’ll think on it for a day or two and make my decision after a good night’s sleep.

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A decision has been made: full reset is a go!

Along with the reset, I’ve also decided to restrict myself to only having one active character (other than Classless) until Classless collects the Badge. Take that self! None of that making 17 alts before getting concrete progress locked in!

I have a few reasons for this additional restriction. The first is simply to keep me more focused as already mentioned. Secondly, I still really do like the idea of doing Classless in a completely self-found environment, but I’m not brave enough to do that yet… might still do that in the future though! Restricting myself in this way will somewhat limit the amount of levelling gear I have for Classless, but if I encounter a hard blockade I’ll be able to gather resources on my non-Classless character to help out progression. This will also help me to build a better foundation of materials and items for other non-Classless characters since I’ll be farming a lot to get the first non-Classless character big and strong.

Bit of a ramble, hopefully it makes sense!

tl;dr: wiped my save, only playing Classless +1 other until I get the Classless Badge!

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It’s amazing how much I can get done when I’m not being an altoholic. :smile:

Levelled a Ritualist as a vitality caster, so not too much to say there. While I was bouncing between pushing Normal SR for Waystones and farming Monster Totems, I ended up dropping 3 pieces of the Diviner’s set AND the blueprint. So I swapped over to something vaguely resembling Maya’s Ishtar pretty shortly after.

While I wasn’t completely where I wanted to be gear wise, I was a pretty respectable pet build. Ultimate SR65 was pretty comfy, no surprise there. Blasted the Clone of John Bourbon, slapped Lokarr around until he gave me as many sets of his armor as I wanted, and I ended up blasting through Mogdrogen, Ravager of Minds, and Callagadra on Normal and Elite (I’m not sure if there’s a difference between fighting them on Elite and Ultimate, and I just haven’t looked them up on GrimTools yet :stuck_out_tongue:).

Sadly, the Ritualist met there demise at the Oversized Maggots before Crate. I wasn’t completely clueless as to what to do, but it was the first time I’d ever gone for it to begin with. I accidentally aggroed a handful of them when I found the special maggot. I briefly brought the character back from the dead to see how hard I got hit for: about 25k. Now I know, those maggots are quite possibly the spookiest thing in the game (outside of SR shenanigans of course).

GT https://www.grimtools.com/calc/qNYb8gr2


Many moons and ages have passed, but I return!

Long story short, my old computer died a tragic death. Other things happened, and as a result it took a while to get around to replacing it.

I wasn’t able to salvage my save, so a fresh start it is!

Progress update soon (hopefully)!


Good luck on the fresh start!