A how-to on getting loot efficiently on solo play + advice on levelling

Magnificent! Thank you sir spanksalot and malawiglenn.

I’m ashamed of something.

I have 300~ hours on Grim Dawn. Never reached true endgame.

I have 500~ hours on PoE. Same.

I keep rerolling chars. I get bored of using the same skills… Played all class combinations, even in Grimarillion/DAIL, but I think this guide is going to help me set goals in this game and FINALLY reach and stay in endgame.

You can try to plan so that you have one build structure for each difficulty, and then one end-game version. The dual class system and respec-ability in Grim Dawn can keep your char progression feel fresh :slight_smile:

Glad we could help. If you need any help to reach that goal, just ask questions. :slight_smile:

P.S. It’s just a game. Nothing to be ashamed of!

Another mini-FG farming route

start at vanguard of the three rift, go to Altar of Abyd. Enter portal. Kill Onarix. Exit and then go to Temple of Ateph. Go to second level and kill the three bosses. Exit and you get just next to the Ruins of Abyd rift-gate where you can move on to another place to farm.

This should get pinned to the front page! Very useful, thanks!

Oh lol. Just saw this. I’ll include this in rn mala

This guide is slowly being consumed by malawiglenn, what with all his suggestions. :stuck_out_tongue:

Your name is going to going slap-bang on the top of the guide mate.

I need to spread my elitist forum rat seeds all around the place you know

I made your name magenta because I know that’s how barbarians like it.

This is how I play Grim Dawn as Barbarian

So… How to level as oathkeeper now with AoM being nerfed? RF doesn’t feel aoe enough. Windmill/Judgement/vire?

Thank you for this guide, keep up the good work. I’ve got some reading before starting the game this weekend.

If you have crucible and FG and want to level an alt char REAL fast, here’s my tricks:

-create new character
-go to crucible, take difficulty unlock token, exp potion and equip Lokkar set(this is because you cant access shared storage before finishing the very first quest)
-start main campaign on normal, pop difficulty unlock token, all riftgates unlocked
-teleport to Conclave of the Three, grab the lore notes on the floor, there’s five of them, don’t read for now
-teleport to Vanguard of the Three, grab the lore note on the floor.
-teleport to Fort Ikon, grab the two lore notes on the floor.

(There are actually some more easily accessible lore notes but i usually dont bother)

-back to Devil’s Crossing, now use an exp potion, read all the lore notes, you should get 10+ levels instantly.
-teleport to lower crossing, go to the cave and kill the boss, this finishes the first quest, report in for exp.
-talk to the guard to open Devil’s Crossing gate, ez exp.
-talk to spiritual guide, ez exp.

now exit, start Elite difficulty.
-use an exp potion, talk to gate keeper, big ez exp.
-talk to spiritual guide, more big ez exp.

now exit, start Ultimate difficulty.
-use an exp potion, talk to gate keeper, huge ez exp.
-talk to spiritual guide, more huge ez exp.

Now a level 30 alt char within less than 15 min. This is usually enough to start an elite, or even ultimate run right away.:wink:

BONUS, for even more easy exp:

On Normal difficulty,
-take some scrap, royal jelly and dynamite, exchange some iron bits
-drink a exp potion
-repair the bridge to Arkovian Foothills, run to Stephen Skinner, bring him back to Devil’s Crossing, turn in quest, exp.(you should know the right options to choose, if failed no juicy exp:undecided:)
-teleport to Arkovian Foothills, talk to Bernard and Greven in the camp, start clearing barricade and lost elder quest.
-run to the barricade, blow it, return to Bernard, exp.
-run to elder, talk, go back and turn in quest, exp.
-teleport to Cronley’s Hideout, a bit further in, near the devotion shrine, break an urn and get Annuals of Arkovia
-teleport to Old Arkovia, go to Rovers camp, give Annuals of Arkovia, exp
-give royal jelly, free exp.(requires friendly with Rovers)
-run to New Harbour, give scrap to Silas, exp.

Now repeat the process in Elite, you can teleport so it’s still not so bad, big ez exp.

Now repeat the process in Ultimate, this time you cannot teleport and enemies are far more dangerous so you may want to skip some steps, but still, huge ez exp.

After doing all these, within 2 hrs you will have your char at close to level 50:rolleyes:


I keep seeing different advice on this so I wanted to test it a little. I went to every vendor and bought any BPs I was missing, even if I had no use for them. I also milked Vinelton (leaving/re-entering the Feral Thicket) and bought every BP he sold until I had them all.

Prior to this I would always grab a couple of treasure troves on runs (Mountain Deeps, and Gloomwald, usually). Most of the time I would get a BP, but since I went on a buying spree the drops have really slowed down. It’s to the point now where I almost never get a BP from a TT.

Reading elsewhere, the TTs are still giving BPs, but if it’s one I own then I don’t ‘see’ it since it won’t show duplicates. So, the pool doesn’t actually change and it’s not worth buying BPs to shrink it? Not only that, but it’s a total waste of money to buy a bunch of undesirable BPs under the assumption that it’ll make it more likely that you’ll get one that can’t be bought?

I can’t find a source for this, but my understanding is that a blueprint drop will re-roll 10 times if you already know it, and if after the 10th time it hasn’t rolled something you don’t have, it doesn’t drop/is replaced by something.

If that’s the case, shrinking your pool is worthwhile, it’s just really hard to get those last few blueprints if you have almost everything.

But it will be easier to get the last BP’s since the pool is shrinking.

Though you will never get duplicates which you can trade with

Why didn’t I read this 300+ hours ago? I must spend 25-50% of my time agonizing over which item to swap with which after each visit to the stash guy. And then a ton of offline chin-stroking in Item Assistant min/maxing resists.


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Shameless omegabump.

@sir_spanksalot: At what difficulty did you run SoT get through the 70-95 stretch? Normal or Elite?

Also, Is SR good for leveling?

Btw thanks for the guide! :grinning:

looks like a good guide from what i was able to read. Why is it all blurred out?

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