A nostalgic look?

So I was looking around for a build idea and i ran in to this video,I know its not the oldest or anything,but it is pretty old for me,as I started Grim Dawn after malmouth
Its rly interesting seeing how things changed,in this video disintegration has weapon damage! and the ray doesnt even pierce,it didnt use to be the screen tearing destructive ray it is today,it was more a single target thing

Also can someone tell me what the heck was going on with Reckless power?a mutator?and an extra node?

Classic Grim Dawn WHEN?!

2014, so that’s early access, “build X”, skills went through many changes back then before landing on what they became for release
if you find an old video of thermite mines you’d seem them actually explode back then :rofl:

edit. found it


Its a mine,checks out :boom:

Lol the old “throwing panacakes slowly on the ground” casting animation :laughing:

If you go back through the Grim Misdaventures in Developments Updates section you can see how some of the skills were originally designed when they first came out.

And yes, Reckless Power back then did have some other nodes attached to it.

Of course if you want to see really early stuff here’s Arthur’s pitch during the Kickstarter back in 2012.


Wow,thanks for the ancient forgoten tomes,specialy that video

I am a bit surprized the names of abilities never changed once their functions were altered so much,Reckless power…isnt very reckless anymore,termite mines dont go boom! :stuck_out_tongue:

If you want to experience early builds there is a way to do it if you have the game on Steam.