A solution to the GoG/Steam problem.

As many of you know people who bought the game from differt online stores cant play with each other despite them being on the same platform(PC) AND despite the fact that the game MP in GD is p2p(meaning the player hosting the room actually hosts the game and acts as thr “server”).
Apparently (told so by a dev on stream) the servers that provide the lists of the MP games are hosted by gog/steam since crate doesnt have their own servers and that’s why people cant player together.
Could you at least think of a work around for that? Like an option to connect directly to a certain player without going through the list therefore bypassing Steam/GoG so that at least friends can play together(which is what really matters)? If things remain as they are the GoG version is basically a trap abd should be avoided. Would probably turn off people who discover it after they bought the game.

sadly the solution to this is Crate funding their own servers to accomodate both platform buyers. also it will happen if both Steam and GOG comes to a joined agreement but this is kinda impossible.

Hopefully Epic games will play the role of Messiah and save us from this deplorable situation.

Well, it shouldn’t be since it’s quite clear on GOG that the game isn’t cross playable.

"Multiplayer Notice: Please note that the GOG Galaxy Client is required to access Multiplayer

Multiplayer available only between GOG.com users.

Local Area Network (LAN) does not require the GOG Galaxy Client to access."

Can’t find similar info on Steam though. :undecided:

Honestly, easiest way out of this problem is just to make sure you all have the game on either of the platforms. The game is on sale on GOG atm and Zantai said there’d be a Christmas sale so easy enough to get.

gog/steam are not different platforms x-x

Why not at least add an option to connect to your friends directly via IP?
Steam/GoG arent doing much here anyways…the players are hosting the games.

Steam and GoG are platform on which you can buy,play, socializee games etc.