Tile kinda says it all, what were the last AAA titles that didn’t have huge numbers of people saying it was horrible and a complete disapointment.
It seems to me that all the AAA titles seem to have either fanatic fans praiseing it to the sky or calling a betrayal of the game franchise and the rest of the public generally calling it horrible. It seems very rare for everyone to think a game is all its hyped up to be.
So please if there are any AAA game(s) (if any) haven’t had this happen recently let me know. I’m curious how many there are these days.
How about Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, http://store.steampowered.com/app/241930/.
Witcher 3, Overwatch, Total War: Warhammer, just off the top of my head… some of the aaa titles do quite well.
If your PC can play it.
Dying Light
If you can find space key on a keyboard.
Is Dark Souls 3 AAA? :undecided:
It’s been a while since Wolfenstein: The New Order released, but it was hyped and turned out to be probably the greatest singleplayer FPS ever made.
Yes. /10char
And you even asked that with a straight face.
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Tomb Raider. Only trip-A game I’ve finished in a while and came away having really enjoyed it! …Haven’t played Rise of the Tomb Raider yet. Thoughts?
I have no idea how big FROM is.
They are big enough and more importantly, the series itself is KNOWN enough that they are undoubtedly TripleA at this juncture. Zero question about that. If they release a game and it sells on the strength of the series name alone, it’s TripleA.
And lets be real here. Almost everyone and their momma has at least heard of the series. That should be clue enough.
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You remember Armored Core?
yeah, that’s how big FROM is. And they go even beyond that.
Skyrim has always been well-regarded. I mean yes, it’s a Bugthesda game and modders had to do a ton of heavy lifting as usual, but it didn’t get pilloried for that in either the gaming press or user reviews.
A couple out there then, not many compared to the number that come out I reckon still.
Mainly started thinking this after seeing No Man Sky and Dues Ex threads on the forum about how they were all dissapontments. I guess I also consider over zealous DRM game breakers - Ubisofts always online req. for AC2 and similar.
I think the new DOOM game is pretty awesome. Best single player campaign in a FPS that I’ve seen since Halflife 2. The game is really polished, and it ran amazingly well on my PC. Absolutely no issues with the game performance wise or content wise.
Doom is more of a reaction based shooter. Where quick reflexes and being aware of your surroundings at all time is what gets you ahead, not using cover. I’ve always preferred the ‘run and gun’ style FPS games to the camping/cover ones. Camping doesn’t really work well in Doom, because mobs will spawn all around you, and the game is better played if you’re constantly on the move. They also got ways for the player to replenish HP/shields/ammo on the fly by killing mobs in specific ways.
Any game by Rockstar Games.
I hate FPS but I loved Crysis.
I find the most appealing aspect of DOOM is that when you get to a scenario that you feel stuck, it is largely because you are not pushing ahead fast enough. DOOM teaches you that even though you are about to die, the best way to survive is to run into the face of the next enemy. Once you get in that mindset, you can bum rush the zone and be constantly grinning as you are almost invariably near death, but not dead.
for me DOOM, GTA 5, Dying light, Witcher 3 (starcraft nova covert ops - not sure if this would be defined as a AAA title, but atleast starcraft 2 was good game imo)
hmmm Total Warhammer, XCom 2, Wolvenstein the new Order, Borderlands franchise, Deus Ex franchise (minus The Fall and Mankind Divided), the witcher franchise, the bioshock franchise, the mass effect franchise, Dragon Age Origins + Awakenings.
there are quite a lot of AAA titles that weren’t dissapointments though.
haven’t played Doom yet