[ABANDONED] Polish Grim Dawn translation / Spolszczenie do Grim Dawn

[b]Polish translation is permanently deleted

Polskie tłumaczenie gry jest całkowicie usunięte[/b]

Postanowiłem całkowicie i bezpowrotnie przerwać prace nad spolszczeniem. Zapytacie dlaczego? Powód jest prosty. Siedząc nad tym przez kilkadziesiąt godzin, dodając nowe rzeczy po patchach (kolejne kilkadziesiąt godzin) oraz poprawiając błędy poczułem, że stoję w deszczu moczu. Jakakolwiek propozycja dla deweloperów odnośnie poprawy jakości i dostępności tłumaczeń kończyła się całkowitym olaniem. 90% graczy kupujących grę nawet nie wiedziało, że są tłumaczenia, nie tylko to polskie, deweloperzy w ogóle ich nie reklamowali. Ja próbowałem to zmienić, by twórcy gry zarabiali jeszcze więcej dzięki wsparciu fanów - skoro olewali moje propozycje reklamy tłumaczeń, znaczy że olewali swoich fanów.

Takie małe proste rzeczy jak prośba o dodanie guzika do działu tłumaczeń w grze albo napisu w intrze, że do gry są tłumaczenia były olewane ciepłym moczem. Ogółem mój kontakt z deweloperami opierał się o ciągłe olewanie pomysłów, próśb, sugestii. Poczułem się tak, jakbyście pracowali dla kogoś za darmo i nigdy nie otrzymali nawet małego dziękuję. Ciągłe tłumaczenie się ważniejszymi sprawami, brakiem czasu było jak powolne wylewanie wiadra wody na mój ognisty zapał do pracy.

Stwierdziłem, że nie będę poświęcał czasu na coś, za co ludzie dla których się to robi nawet nie powiedzą “dzięki”. Dopiero po mojej decyzji deweloperzy postanowili napisać kilka słów tłumaczom, dziękując im za poświęcony czas - dopiero pojawiło się wspomnienie w liście twórców.

Zapytacie dlaczego usunąłem i nie pozwoliłem, by ktoś inny to kontynuował? Powody są dwa - w 99% zrobiłem to sam, po drugie nie chciałbym by ktoś czuł się podobnie olewany.

I decided to completely and permanently delete my work around translation. You ask why? The reason is simple. I was working on it for XX+ hours, adding new things after patches (another +XX hours), and correcting mistakes. After few month I felt that I was standing in the rain of urine. Any proposal to developers for the improvement of the quality and accessibility of translations was like rubber ball bouncing the wall. 90% customers that bought the game, don’t know about non-English versions, because they where not advertised by devs. I tried to make this game more popular, so game developers could earn more money thank to the support of the fans - as they where rejecting my ideas about advertising translations, it means that smack their fans.

Such small simple things like a button to the translation in the game or text string in the intro… Everything that I was trying to suggest, small things that would make ALL translations more official was rejected. Overall my contact with developers was based on continuous rejecting all ideas, requests, suggestions. I felt as if you worked for someone for free and have never received even a small thank you. Every my small idea was rejected because they said that they had more important matters, lack of time. Every PM like that was like a slow pouring buckets of water on my fiery zeal to work.

I decided that I will not devote more time to this project, when we - as translators - can’t get even small “thanks”. Probably after my decision the developers decided to write a few words for translators, thanking them for their time - after near one year they decided to say “thanks” for translations in a little more official way.

You may ask why I removed translation and not let someone else continue to do this? There are two reasons - 99% of this I did myself, and secondly I would not want anyone to feel the same “bad-thing” as me.

Here is a full set of localization files including the quests and conversations.

while you are there sharing game files, can you share the .tex files for skill icons in a proper format(dds or so) ?

Awesome job so far :slight_smile:

Glad to see the progress with both the French and now the Polish translation.

It would be great to know all sound files used by characters, NPCs and mobs/bosses. With such info I will be able to find people that will record some audio files in Polish language. As I said more than once, I’m polish Youtuber, so I’ve access to many people with awesome voice. They will make Polish sound files for NPC/boss/characters.

But… we must know what we should translate from English sound files to Polish sound files, right? For example Warden is saying “You are strong, but you can’t kill my true form”. Or something like that. We need described details what we should record in Polish.

My people are well prepared for this job - we, I mean, YouTubers we usually have good microphones, and we know how to manipulate the sound or our voice to get nice effects. We just need to know, what we should say and record.

First of all, sorry for double post but there are some people from Poland that are looking into this thread. It would be great to inform them about progress by another post. I hope that the extensive new information about translations will not not be taken as a violation of terms :wink:


1.02 is out, it will be uploaded in the night (ofc in Poland :stuck_out_tongue: )
I’ve translated:

  • All mq files (main quest), thanks devs for the files
  • Tags_Items (all items names and stuff), as above
  • All sq files (side quests)

In next few days I will be working and “developing” another update with another translated files. Whole translation should be ready before 1st December. But… there are two huge problems with Polish translation.

Polish language is one of the most… well… complex and hard languages. Probably only Asian languages and Arabic are harder. As someone said - nouns can have three genders (some linguists count five), each noun and adjective can appear in one of seven cases, verbs conjugate for gender, person, mood and time. For example:
In English everything depands on “TWO” when we are talking about two objects, two boxes, two womans, two monsters, two arrows, two swords, two men. In Polish we have… 14 grammatical forms for the number “TWO”. It can be like - dwa obiekty, dwie skrzynie, dwie kobiety, dwa potwory, dwie strzały, dwa miecze, dwoje mężczyzn (or dwóch mężczyzn or dwójka mężczyzn). Everything depends of “WHEN” we must use correct form. So… It’s easy to translate dialogues, names, mobs, items or stuff easy to understand for everyone. But, it’s hard to know when we should use correct form in places like “RetaliationModifierPoison={%+.0f0}%”. It’s a little hard to know what form in Polish we should use in this place. In another place it can be a little another form.
Devs, if it is possible (or will be in future), allow us to test our translations before making them official or 100% avaiable through Steam/Options. Some stuff can looks bugged in Polish language before checking them out in game, something like “You have been reduced 10 poison damage from enemy” :stuck_out_tongue: We need to find such places during playing and correct them.

As I said above - Polish is hard and we have some problems with most important fabular names in Grim Dawn. For example - Aether can’t be translated into Polish and it’s hard to say in this language. This is main question to developers - should we leave it as it is and try to add something to Aether in Polish?
For example, we have “Aeather Corruption”, in Polish it’s something like “Spaczenie Aether” (spaczenie = corruption, bio-degeneration, bio-destruction, hard disease, something like bio-cancer). Or should we translate it into something more user-friendly like just “Spaczenie”, so there will be “Spaczony Kryształ” (corrupted crystal instead of “Aether Crystal”). Every word with “Aether” will be translated into more “advanced” name, some kind of bio-degeneration at all. Without name. What option is more accepted by developers and authors of Grim Dawn? Leaving Aether or translating it into one, huge, more language-friendly word? Another example:

  • +5 Aether Damage (POL: +5 obrażeń Aether) - Aether Damage without whole translation
  • +5 Aether Damage (POL: +5 obrażeń od Spaczenia) - Aether Damage translated as corrupted damage

Second problem with names is Chctonics. It’s nearly impossible to say it in Polish :stuck_out_tongue: You can hear my voice through TeamSpeak or Skype, when I will be trying to say it in Polish. It’s hard. So like above, we should try to find more Polish word for it. I don’t know what it means - Chctonics - in other kind of word… So… We need to work at it :stuck_out_tongue:

The way I pronounce Chthonic is “Ke - thonic”. The “h” is silent I believe.

Good luck in figuring it out!

So, it’s a little funny with Chthonic. I found some info - it’s very rarely used word about Gods (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chthonic). It’s about Earth-Based Gods or Mother-Nature Gods. I don’t know if it’s correct in DEVs opinion.

If I must say it in Polish - like “Ke - thonic”. The “h” is silent.
In Polish it can be said similar to English form, it’s hard to say it (very rarely used word) but it may be possible after few tries. However it’s mix of two Polish words:

Kto (who?) and nikt (no one / nobody / none)
Ktonikt with a small break between Chtho nic (Kto nikt).
And… it means who nobody :confused:

So “Chtonics” sounds for Polish people like “who nobody” if someone don’t know what Chtonic Religion means. It’s possible to say Chtonics in many Polish gramma forms, but it sounds weird in common language.

I’ll try change the word Chthonic into more Polish forms. In Polish it can be written as Chtoniczny, what means something like “Earth-based”, “Mother-Earth-Based”. But it’s still very missed, difficult, unknown and rarely used combination.

If Chtonics are more underground creatures/mobs/enemys, we can use word “Podziemny” what means “underground”. In ARPG it can be used as “sacred-underground”. Some kind of mysterious underground creatures, a little God-like creatures that are living under surface.

If Chtonics are more bloody creatures/mobs/enemys we can use word “Krwawy” what means 100% “bloody” or “blood-controling”.

Chthonic is a fancy way of saying subterranean. On the English wikipedia page you can change languages to Polish to get a Polish translation. Wiki calls it Bóstwa chtoniczne.

might I just suggess that, If translation is not obvious – dont translate at all.
Because I bet someone will use both translation and forums then wonder “what is this damage type these dudes talking about”, just leave them as they are and they dont matter, anyway. it could be variable x y z and it would be same.

Good work bro’ ! :slight_smile:

Yes, yes. I know. Chthonic (Chtoniczne) is realy specific word, as chthonic, it is a scientific term, historical, religious, and not a word which is used more or less every day. I think that 95% of people would not know what is the origin of the Chthonic (Chtoniczne). Try to name Zombie, as pure medical scientific term. The same problem is with Chthonic.

Well, I’m talking with Zantai about it. We are thinking about name “Krwawy” (Bloody), but it’s too complex word - we will leave it as it is for some time.
It’s not hard to change this name in future, right? :slight_smile: So, there will be for example:

+5 dmg to Chthonics (+5 obrażeń Chtonikom)
Where “Chtonikom” means “to someone”, “to Chthonics” as some kind of name for the whole type of beings, whole civilization, all these beings named as “Chtonicy” (Chthonics).

Yeah I see the problem here, would be the same in my mother tongue. Chtonic is an adjective in german. There is no noun. You could call it a “Chtoniker” but that sounds really retarded.
But like Stomcaller said before: You should try hard to keep as true to the english name as possible. Otherwise there will be huge confusion in the international community on forums and the like.

Ladies and gentlemens.
1.02 is out.

This update is more about making everything clear. We worked on the correctness of names for the Polish language. We decided that we leave the name of Aether and Cthonics as it is. Of course, bending them to the Polish language - Chthonics would be called in Polish as Chtonicy.
It’s easy to understand. We have “Soldier” or “Soldiers”. In Polish we have “Żołnierz” and “Żołnierze”. Most common used variation of this word.

I decided to create a separate section in the first post about naming fabular locations/names that can be changed in Polish translation. As you know, some names are harder to say when they are in pure English. Of course, it must be as clear as possible. To give the opportunity to comment it or changing it. If something isn’t too accurate in DEVs opinion - just ask why I named something like that :wink: For example - “crossing” means “skrzyżowanie” in Polish, it’s the same word like traffic lights, roads crossing or lines crossing. Word “Przełęcz” is similar to “Creek” and is more friendly name of place situated in the valley, in front of mountains, between the rivers.

Legend is simple. Everything else from fabular names/locations that are not described below are easy to translate and means the same as original in English.

Polish Name / Original English name / More polish-friendly name in English

Diabelska Przełęcz / Devil’s Crossing / Devil’s Creek
Bagna Wightmire / Wightmire / Wightmire Swamps
Wioska Burrwitch / Burrwitch / Burrwitch Village
Ruch oporu / Resistance Saga / Resistance
Budząc niepokój / Waking to Misery / Waking anxiety (reference to entering the Burial Hills and seeing dead bodies rising up from the ground)
Jaskinia Grobów / Burial Cave / Cave where people are burning dead people
Wzgórze Grobów / Burial Hills / Hills of graves
Niższa Przełęcz / Lower Crossing / Lower Creek
[b]Opiekun[b] / Warden / Warden (in the meaning of someone who takes care about someone or group of Zombies :stuck_out_tongue: )
Kultysta pośród nas / A Cultist in the Midst / Cultist among us (in the meaning someone in Devil’s Crossing)

Jak należy podmienić pliki?
Z góry dziękuje za pomoc

POL: W aktualnej wersji gry polska wersja językowa nie jest jeszcze dostępna i nie działa. Poniższe pliki służą jako tłumaczenie gry “na przyszłość”.

ENGLISH: In the current version of the game Polish version isn’t working yet, however, you can download them and wait untill it will be allowed to use in game.

1.03 is up

  • Full translation of all Items file
  • Full translation of tutorial
  • Added few ideas about dubbing and sound files (download them as wavs with whole translation)

Questions to the devs:

1st - Is there any way in near future to test our translations? It would be great to see them in game. To test them and… well… ya know, bugfixes, better names etc. I think more about testing than releasing it into whole game, some kind of overwriting files.

2nd - There might be some problems with Polish and other translations. As you know, English is realy easy language. Other like Polish are much harder.
For example, Iron in English can be used everywhere - Iron Sword, Iron Crossbow, Iron Gloves, Iron Armor, Iron Helmet, Iron Shield… Everything is simple and easy. In Polish language and many other there is a variety for female and male (or even more). Another examples:
Iron Shield = Żelazna Tarcza
Iron Sword = Żelazny Miecz
Iron Armor = Żelazny Pancerz
Iron Gloves = Żelazne Rękawice

Iron Shortsword of Accuracy
Żelazny Krótki Miecz Celności - this is correct in Polish

Iron Shield of Accuracy
Żelazny Tarcza Celności - this isn’t correct, because of y instead of a.

Where’s the problem? There’s only one name for all Iron stuff in the game, only in English. So whole items with female-name like Shield (in Polish) will be male-name. We must find a way to fix it.
The same problem we have with some prefix.

Demonic = Demoniczny (if the sword) or Demoniczna (if it is a shield)
Demonic Shield of Accuracy = Demoniczny Tarcza Celności

There’s no problem with suffixes:
tagSuffixB013_Wpn_A=of Fury means “Furii” in Polish, so it should be OK for any kind of item.

3rd - I know this point isn’t the most important part of whole translation project, but… I like to do it.
I was trying to make some voice files for the game using my own voice and some filters applied by programs. You can find my Wardens voice in main .rar file. It’s in Polish, ofc. I’ve added a slightly demonic voice with small echo, more demonic to second form. It would be great to hear something about it from devs. I know I’m not the best voice-actor and sound-specialist, but… Well, check it out :wink:

  1. We should have preliminary localization support in B16

  2. I’m afraid there is not much I can do about this. Correlating different genders in various languages to item names would require extensive programming time.

You will have to do the best you can with a single tense. :undecided:

  1. Sound localization is a whole different ball-game, typically handled by game installations replacing sound files wherein you select a language option. If we do support different languages for VO, it won’t be any time soon.

Great work Brodaty, thanks for it!

I will put info about polish translation on my little Grim Dawn fan page.

GrimDawn.pl - I’m looking for people interested in developing this fan page - it is on very early stage…

It looks decent so far, I`m just not sure how it will compete against the GD section that will eventually make its way to titanquest.gram.pl. But the more publicity that GD can get the better!