About the upcoming versions and legacy equipments

Hi guys, long time no see!

I came back to Grim Dawn after the announcement of the 1.2.0 update and the upcoming new expansion (damn you - in the best way possible! I just got my 100% completion in Steam half year ago! I wished to enjoy it a little longer than that)

I have played a little bit more, created a couple of lvl 100 chars, and then some questions dawned on me: I got a little collection of weird items that are already hard to get, MI’s with double affixes of a certain element that are NOT the element of the MI in question.

My doubts are (disclaimer: I know the changes don’t affect my collection right now, but may affect other things I’ve dropped a long time ago):

  1. With the change to affixes, and everything else, will I lose the bonus on those older items?
  2. Do the changes affect items regardless of when you dropped them?
  3. If an affix was erased from the game, will it be erased from my item, and did you guys tested if it breaks the save?

As far as I’ve tested (I’ve backuped my saves before, ofc) questions 1 and 2 seems to be a No, question 3 maybe also No.
But my memory is not serving me well, since it’s been a longtime I played, and I can’t remember exactly what were the bonuses in things that I’ve stored a long time ago.

My collection (My goal are only Alkamos’ items, but I dropped a bilelauncher that fitted the theme) :

P.S.: I hate you Alkamos. I want your Scythe since I’ve bought the game. Also, devs, can we have a bit more stash pages? Just one or two would suffice.

all those affixes technically still exist, they just can’t drop anymore. So no, your old items won’t be affected, they will be still the same as when you first found them. One of my older builds still uses an item with the “of Spellweaving” suffix which was removed from the loot tables years ago, and it’s still unchanged and works fine.

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Thanks! Very good to know, and I did not even notice Spellweaving was removed, I thought only I wasn’t finding any haha

affixes that are changed but still in the game will be changed on your items
affixes that are removed, spellweaving or such will still be on your items tho
best demonstration where this applies specifically for 1.2 is class prefixes
the magick random +2 skill prefix is removed, wont drop, but your existing items will still have those +2 Search - Grim Dawn Item Database
the rare +3 or +2-2 skill prefixes got changed, they are still in the game, still dropping, but their stats are altered, which means they will be altered on your items
ex Rare class prefix should at least be a legacy carryover

*keep in mind that post is old now so the exact stat changes are different now, but the overall point of them (rare class prefix) not having the same +skills as before is still real tho. Rare class prefixes did get +skills back but they are not the same as before nor as varied as before (3?x 2+2 rare dual class prefix on medal and 18?x +3 rare mono class prefix on amulet/caster weapons)
9.8 heretic 26 prefixes Search - Grim Dawn Item Database
1.2 has a single prefix

9.8 blade master 3 prefixes Search - Grim Dawn Item Database
1.2 has a single