Acid shadow strike questions

I have Mythical Nightshade's Reach - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database that converted piercing and cold damage types to acid damage.

  1. Should I go for attack speed or cast speed?
  2. Cunning or spirit? (skip OA for now)


If you plan to use this component between Shadow Strike, go for casting speed. If the build is Dervish that use RF, then go attack speed.

Acid benefits from spirit, but if the OA is too low, pump some on cunning

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If you have to ask, then I’d put points into Physique. It’s quite normal for 2h Acid builds (they often lack both DA and Health at the same time from my experience).

I’m theory-crafting a 2H Dervish without RF and max -CD on Shadow strike. So I’ll go with casting speed.

I can pump all points into Physique and Cunning and end up with 3124 OA and 3030 DA with all buffs on, with 16k hp.
I know it can vary a lot on masteries and builds, but is there a consensus of enough or good OA and DA?