Acid Warlock sadness

I spotted the aether-> acid Occultist Conduit amulet and that got me thinking about potential ather-> acid Warlock builds. The most interesting obvious variant was a DW Ugdenbog pistol variant.

This what I hacked together in short: Meh…Acid Warlock and I was thinking of CT spam.

So, DW is an issue as it requires an item slot (because it ins’t an inquistor!). It also prevents using Devastation (needs off-hand).

And it further pains me to use Double-greens and especially a +5 BoM as they are unrealistic to find. But it was the only way to max a CT spam build with support of DEE/Pox. Although I’m not certain that CT can carry this.

But interesting enough, some of this under-used gear (chest, shoulders) could actually be decent if they had some Elemental resist added to them in future. I’ve actually never seen these used.

Seems lacking in % acid overall, as well.


Ideas on this or any other variant of acid warlock? I’m thinking this discussion might fuel some equipment tweak suggestions for the upcoming patch(s) before FG.

This what I hacked together in short: Meh…Acid Warlock and I was thinking of CT spam.

Thing is, while Agrivix CT had been a very strong build for some time, it’s all a combination of many factors - like well aligned procs, devastation and flat damage stacking. CT in a vacuum is a very mediocre skill, even if you convert all of it’s damage and pump it to 26/16 it’ll cap at around 60-80k sheet dps.

So, DW is an issue as it requires an item slot (because it ins’t an inquistor!). It also prevents using Devastation (needs off-hand).

It is a big issue because Agrivix’s Malice with it’s proc is a major part of Agrivix build’s “real” DPS.

And it further pains me to use Double-greens and especially a +5 BoM as they are unrealistic to find. But it was the only way to max a CT spam build with support of DEE/Pox. Although I’m not certain that CT can carry this.

CT doesn’t carry builds on it’s own. :rolleyes:

Ideas on this or any other variant of acid warlock? I’m thinking this discussion might fuel some equipment tweak suggestions for the upcoming patch(s) before FG.

If you’re going with conversion of elemental to acid to BoD there is basically two options. The first one is DoT stacking - grab DEE with focused gaze, inferno and frozen core and you should have pretty incredible DoT ticks. Second option is a pet warlock, since conversion of elemental to acid should affect pets as well.

As for the amulet I concede I don’t know what it is for.

All good points. Yeah, I was gong more for a spam-build and hoping it wasn’t going to be all DoT or DW fire, DEE or Biting Blades. Or Pets!

My big issue with playing around with a Warlock is that there is very little acid-focused Arcanist-Occultist combo gear, and very few general Arcanist-Occultist combo gears with skill bonuses. It’s a huge gap in the overall GD gear selection. (Unlike the plentiful choices for anything related to Inquisitor…) I suspect FG will have more AP gear, but it may only be focused towards Oath Keeper combo skills.

A few people tested it and I think it was found to not work/the conversion doesn’t extend to pets.

It makes sense that the conversion only effects you as it could create issues if you’re playing with someone else running a Fire/Cold/Lightning character in multiplayer and whenever they’re near you, they lose a significant chunk of damage as it’s converted to Acid. Blood of Dreeg’s modifier would have to be designed to differentiate between pets and players to do so (and I don’t think it does).

This is also why IEE’s conversion only effects you as well (with Manifestation existing as a way to bypass the ally issue and only apply to pets).

When I made my no devastation Agrivix binder, I found out that the damage distribution between procs and CT is about 50/50 based on dummy tests, but for acid there’s a bigger issue. Acid/poison as a damage type is more focused on poison. It’s easier to find flat poison bonuses that acid. So even if you reach a high enough weapon damage for CT (and procs like flane torrent/guardian gaze), a huge chunk of it is likely to be just dots.

Another issue for acid at the moment is the lack of RR on items. You have deathstalker and the rest are either set bonuses (venomblade) or just unusable items (pox conduit, unusable for your build idea). This means you’ll need to have a class with 2 RR skills to be able to make acid deal decent damage, which atm is just witch hunter. I tried to make an acid RE build with the nee leafmane horn mods and ran into the same problem. Damage. No problems in anything except damage despite good mods supporting acid RE, all because RR (or that’s what I think).

Total Conversion just isn’t as good as it could be. Right now conversion is best used for converting secondary damage and/or procs. When you truly convert the damage types you are kind of fucked.

You need multiple items unless of course you use the Holy Fucking Grail oops I meant Mythical Beronath Reforge. You usually need a +5 BoM and/or a M.I. Shoulder with +3 to the skill. If you need to DW then you need to usually waste your medal or relic spot.

There’s a few sets for total conversion but for the most part they just shouldn’t have added it to the game.

Hmmm… gave it a 10-minute ponder… Yeah, this conduit is pretty much useless. Nice work trying though. Maybe some kind of cabalist acid RE/autoattack hybrid but well…