Add Cronley Gang Ascended/Incendiary MIs to Cronley Gang Heroes

Cronley Gang MIs (Ascended, Incendiary and Murderer) are several of the more annoying green MIs to target farm in the game. Arkovian Docks exist, but honestly the enemy density is just too low, especially if you’re just target farming one of them instead of all three. I think I don’t even see 10 Ascended variants there per run, and if you try to farm outside the Docks then you don’t get the bonus chance to roll a rare affix. It’s a very huge disparity compared to other “factional” MIs such as Aetherial Ascended MIs or Korvan MIs that can be also dropped by multiple Hero units, in addition to having areas with both mutators and very high spawn density (Sun Spire, Port Valbury).

To at least make target farming them somewhat easier, what about adding them to the Cronley Gang Heroes? Murderer already drop from several Hero class enemies, but Ascended and Incendiary currently don’t. Perhaps we can assign them to the rest of the Cronley Heroes who have no notable loot at the moment?


great idea. imo the cronley gang seems to be one of the smallest enemy factions out there.

also, ‘cronley gang heroes’. n a n i. i never knew barbaric bandit scums could be called heroic…

what? :thinking:

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I’m assuming that based on the information here where challenge areas (areas with mutators) get bonus chance for rolling rares.

never had an issue getting rare affixes in Cronley’s hideout :man_shrugging:

don’t know if challenge areas get a/any significant bump in rare affix drop rate, or if that old bonus system is even still in place in the same way “today”, given how drops and affix weighting have changed since then. But Cronley lair is spitting out ok amounts of items

if the density of enemies with MIs got increased that would still help ofc, since Cronley gang MIs feel on the more annoying end being so tightly relegated to individual members


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