I’m having a blast (again) playing through Grim Dawn after being disappointed with Diablo 4’s lackluster release.
However, I’d really love to add a wide variety to (fantasy) music to the game as it is. I’ve read and acted upon powbam’s excellent guide to changing BGM and am fairly pleased by the results.
However, I’d love to add music to the caves/crypts/graveyards and also would love if I could ‘add’ more tracks to the overworld area’s as well.
Is it possible to do this by simply modifying .dbr files*, and if so, do I need to make that into a ‘mod’ or can I simply use an updated .dbr file and place it in ‘My Games/Grim Dawn/database/records/sounds/’?
(*: by this, I mean changing/adding to the lines at the top of said .dbr files such as:
Class,AmbientSession, ambientLoop,sound/environmental/ambientloops/ambloop_crypt.ogg,)
Hopefully somebody has a tad bit more information about music editing specifically. Thanks!
\Grim Dawn\database\records\sounds\soundpak_musicambient\musicpaka01.dbr gave a good clue on how to continue. I’m posting this just in case someone from the future wants to do whatever I’m trying to do.
the content of said file is:
tracks,sound/music/dreaded.ogg;sound/music/foot of earth.ogg;sound/music/four years in.ogg;sound/music/headed out.ogg;sound/music/keep moving.ogg;sound/music/devil's crossing.ogg;sound/music/no man's land.ogg;sound/music/old country.ogg;sound/music/remember the dead.ogg;sound/music/terraced road.ogg;sound/music/the captain.ogg;sound/music/they come.ogg;sound/music/what once was.ogg,
This one seems to be randomized and lists a bunch of the music .ogg files. I suppose one can just add filenames to it to add extra music. Next step is figuring out what to do with the edited .pak file. I’ll try placing it in my /My Games/Grim Dawn/settings/ folder, just like I did with the soundfiles…