there are some good caster items for pet builds, requiring a fair amount of spirit, and they are indeed worth the cost - when you get there
and you can respec attribute points with the potion you get from quests in AoM
also the points wont be red in game, it can’t display points/value above hardcap for some reason - and hardcap is always base+10points
since you are 94 already, and have reached max item level, i’d start allotting points/investments and gearing towards your initial endgame setup, so if those caster pet items fit your intended build indeed use them/divert points toward their requirement
^i would probably consider the briarthorn offhand (MI), unless your build requires/aims for something else
maya has some excellent still valid pointers for pets and beginner endgame pet setups/tips in her guide section The Carnival - A Guide to Pets which is always handy for budding minion masters