[Aether Lightning] Adjunct Orin Vostra - Aether Chain Lightning/Stun Jacks Caster

Aether Chain Lightning concept that I never bothered posting during vanilla cause of its insane dependency on CDR abuse and Devastation even back then. Now since I am dumping stuff, this one made the cut

Bonus Aether Stun Jacks build using Conduit skill mod





I dont think anyone loves MoD as much as you do.

But now that I think about it, I dont think I have a sorc without it… :wink:

Great build! BTW are the stun jacks green(er) in color?

thats a good build but if u can post screen of devotion and items detail (i have prblm with grimtool)

Aether again? :rolleyes:

So, aside from it being a fun build, does the lack of RR not bother you when playing this build?

Seal of Corruption, Widow.
Warpfire, M. Eternal Haunt in aether setup.
Thermites in lightning setup.

Both have 100% RR shred. For the Lightning caster, RR was never the issue. It’s the weak performance of Chain Lightning itself. This is why I never bothered posting it in vanilla either.
The Aether Stun Jacks on the other hand, RR doesn’t slow it down mainly cause there’s way too many projectiles falling on the enemy :slight_smile:
But I didn’t get to test it on highly aether resistant enemies such as Reaper

To please Lord Zantai so that he can give me my damn Mythical Warhammer of Heavenly Judgement

This might take a while if I were to do it cause I have more guides that are in need of updation

No sadly, Crate explained why Stun Jacks cannot be green in color. Very few transmuters/mods affect the color of the skill.


Two builds where skill mod changes color of the skill^

As for MoD, it’s a bad habit that stuck from vanilla days cause I used it on my DEE WH. The DEE WH is also the reason why I suck at piloting anything that is not a DoT Caster

Really? For someone who farms the forum as much as yourself it should had dropped by now already. I thought you’re just not interested in that for reasons.

^ Me thinks the reason after all these years of no Zantai reply to warhammer of heavenly judgement is because a better skill variant will be made available to the paladin mastery:cool:

Omg man :)))

Understandable. We are cryptic af here. :cool:

How hilarious it would be, if at the begining there would be one dead Diablo paladin buried into sand with lore note sayin: “No paladins for you, mortal.”

Chthon, cool builds. Especially I am glad to see one more build using Arcane Tempest set. :smiley:

P.S: Did you try to play around with Recless Tempest and Aether Lightning skill?