Fleshwarped core and fleshwarped shard are no longer dropping, the Aetherial Sentinel are dropping only Aether shard all the time. It has become much easier to farm aether shard now with this bug. Just now that im trying to make a build with Fleshwarped core. See to this please.
That is RNG, not a bug.
fwiw, i got like 10 double magick of them last weekend
they very much still drop
*and you can also buy them sometimes from Hyram btw
Estrage that none of these are level 94. Also some MI are much easier to farm them others. MI from bosses are much easier to farm now, i got Two double rare chest from Valexteria and none fleshwarped core from aetheriel sentinel.
they not lvl 94 because i was levelling a 65-75 character at the time
sentinels don’t have very high drop chance of the MI to begin with,
and they have relative sparse but fixed spawns, so you’re only getting a handful-dozen chances per run depending on which area you farm
your best bet is running Chambers of the High Council, or very very patiently reset Hyram
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