I posted it during 1213 test, now I come to say it again:
The current rule of MI dropping is aimed to make it easier to get the fixes we want, but it just works the opposite way on Vampiric Bonewall.
I’ve been farming for a Chronomancer’s Bonewall like 30min per day since December last year, here is what I got: Annihilation, Eldritch, Wraithwarded, 1000; Chronomancer, ZERO; Supercharged, ONE, with the suffix Decay.
I mean, the damage here is basically meaningless. For a Sigil build, a cdr prefix is the most needed on the shield. Even if someone would not agree with that, Vitality is not the only damage type of Sigil builds, right?
So, could you please ①replace the Vitality damage on the shield with other stuff? or ②add several new cdr prefixes to the pool? or ③just make Chronomancer and Supercharged more common to see on all shields, despite the damage type?
Though it might be true that getting one is rare, should we always be able to easily get what we want? Maybe sometimes we have to make do with what we’ve got. Use one with OA/DA or phys res.
You can have a very similar shitty experience if you want some specific legendary (that can’t be target farmed). Took me a few months to get a Skull of Gul’Amash for my DE char for example.
If you have been looking for an Obsidian Defender, or a Colossal Bulwark in the shops, you would know both Chronomancer and Supercharged are pretty common to see. That’s how the mechanism works isn’t it, putting fixes and gears with same damage type together, to help us get a ‘good one’ not that hard. But as I said, it works the opposite way on Vampiric Bonewall, making it harder, not easier. I don’t think it is supposed to be like that.
I’m not begging for a MI I can’t get. I guess I could post it another way: Should Vampiric Bonewall be a ‘Vitality Shield’ in the first place?
it being a vitality shield is probably what makes about the most sense “thematically”, even if mechanically unfortunate for other sigil dmg type builds
the area, the enemy, and the modifiers on the shield make that much more fitting
that doesn’t mean some canoodling couldn’t potentially be done to either have a neutral cdr prefix (you’d still have lower chance than vit affixes)
or sneakily manually include chaos affixes in secondary priority group (tho i’d almost guess it would either not be satisfactory or lead to diff farming complaints )
but what we have atm do make kinda sense from the way the system is designed/applied elsewhere in the game,
the question could be why it’s fair to single out this 1 shield and turn things around just for that