Alkamos purple rings in 2019

I have answered your argument about rare greens already few times. Yes, stoneplate greaves can be crafted after heavy grind BUT a lot of good rares drop in CR/SR (including boots with BiS mods like stonehide). Alkamos can’t be dropped here, you are forced to do these boring unchallenging runs or you have no perspective to get them. It’s complete opposite topic to double greens, have nothing with them.

Otherwise rare greens usually are for overcapping resistances (which can be done always in other way), blue alkamos rings/other ones doesn’t have pierce->cold conversion and 12% reduced target’s damage (mandatory for high SR). You are not forced to go halfass build without some godlike greens.

It’s not about drop rate, it’s about only possible horrible way to get them.

Get rune augment with dmg red. There are plenty of items with pierce > cold converison.

I have 6 pairs of Purple Alkamos rings + one odd but still not “Stonehide of Kings” green.

What about Sharzul cleaver? Also trivial to run and low drop chance (2%) that is 150 runs to be 95% certain to drop it at least once. Then you want good rolls on it…

What would be “best” I think is to just increase purple MI drop chances, since if they can drop also in SR there would be no reason to run those dungeons (as some one said)

How about a recipe, at a celestial smith, to upgrade the epic one to the legendary version. A few dozen celestial essence and lotuses, a couple seals of the night and a few crescent moons and scource relics should do the trick.

Plenty of items?

One crap ring except Alkamos set - and there is no OA, speed, damage reduction. There are no other possibilites in rings if you don’t want to go halfass. Not only some sr pushing builds need them, more CR speedrunners too.

Using rune augument? 2x of them are leap (autostun), one has 3,3 seconds recharge/3 sec reducing damage, one is disengage (!). Next point - after +95 shard bosses are so scalled that it’s becoming superboss fight, making unnecessary delay between attacks (life leech) can kill you in some cases.

2% drop rate for single item is still better than 0,85 and 1 for both in much longer dungeon.

If it could drop in cr/sr then it still there would be reason to run those dungeons - there are few masochists or people with not advanced gear so in their cases dungeons are better choice than jumping into harder modes.

Edit: Serious_Stan - they can’t be crafted at celestial smiths.

yes, plenty of items:

Use Olerons blood skill then if you want DMG red :stuck_out_tongue:

Then just accept that you can’t do SR 95 on your Trickster then. Game is not balanced so that all builds should be able to go that high…

(I do SoT quicker than BoC btw)

I’d say fix legit green items before fixing Alkamos rings.

If there is any comfort, I can give you a pair of them btw. Legit, 100% promise

Maybe you’re expecting too much.

55-75 for ideal of a godly endgame SR build. Aiming for 95 may just be trying too hard.

Olerons blood means no Shard of beronath (basic for infiltrator) or no Seal of blades (no armor, no lifesteal, additional pierce resistance), it’s not a good choice for min maxing in this case.

Infiltrator reached 111 already (yeah, with snapshotting but still it’s very impressive) and I am sure that after Deathly Waystones upgrade we will see more +100 - currently it’s very hard due to required time (over 10 hours to +100?), RNG and some chance of crash/freeze. I was going over 90-95 pre-nerf (so i won’t meet double gravas and kaisan anymore) with some builds and other people made way better records.

Game is not balanced around that but it’s nothing wrong if some builds can go so high. They are mediocre in other terms like speedfarming or crucible but builds like that should exist for some maniacs in my opinion :smiley: GD is great game because everyone can find something for their taste - we have crucible runners, sr pushers, uber killers, speedfarmers or just some fun and wild builds. Why should we kill some “players category”?

And there is consensus - let people grind in SoT if they like it but let give chance to get some specific items in other way. I would prefer to farm SR for 40 hours than SoT for 20.

Also - I believe you have few legit sets of alkamos rings but I want to get it playing solo, I became bored with GD stashing and I like to find everything myself. Thanks for your offer anyway :wink:

Infiltrator has Aura of Censure for dmg red, unless you go pierce damage. But then you don’t use Alkamos rings.

Aura of Censure is necessary because of RR/dmg red - like Alkamos rings.

So on what build you “need” alkamos rings on? Cold trickster is the only one I can think of. And trickster have savagery so one can use Oleron’s blood since no need of shard of beronath. Why do you “need” purple alkamos on cold infiltrator? More pierce to cold damage conversion? I do not think you will be short on damage to push higher, and you already got dmg red from AoC (dmg red from AoC and purple alkamos proc do not stack you know)

This one []Dual Melee Cold Infiltrator-Deepest SR 107,4min Calla,Crucible Triple Avengers

Missing only these rings from core (I will anyway get them before deathly waystones but it’s horrible boring process). If damage reduction doesn’t stack then how it works? Is there any guide/article about it? I would like to explore this topic more.

Highest debuff will stack for any particular damage type: 🤯 malawiglenn’s guide on game mechanics for beginners (my guide LOL) or to use your own famous words “just read the forums” :wink:

yeah that build uses them for pierce to cold conversion for some more flat damage. It has GD stashed weapons too so good luck getting those legit :stuck_out_tongue:

I am pretty sure that you’ll be fine with blue alkamos here, you get more OA too that way which seems to be lacking in the build you linked.

Thanks for the link, I will read everything carefully, there is a lot of informations, nice to learn something new.

Got many of these blades, some of them will be fine. If i will lose patience after +300 runs I will consider some alternatives but it’s hard for me, I am perfectionist :neutral_face:

But it doesn’t change the fact they are not obtainable in healthy, not frustrating way.

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Well a very few people that plays Grim Dawn are perfectionists, I think even fewer are perfectionists than those who are those “crazy nerds” that likes to farm SoT 20 times/day :wink:

So you say that the daggers will “be fine” but you really really need Alkamos rings? And you are perfectionist? C’mon get some sick rolled Chillstrifes :smiley:

Yes, let’s put the purple Alkamos gear in the loot pool for SR and Cruci, so we never have to visit SoT ever again! I’m sure that’s a goal of the devs…to make one of their special roguelike dungeons completely irrelevant for everyone.

I do sympathize with you though, OP, and I freely admit to using Grim Internals to teleport to the skeleton key gates of roguelikes. But I do think these sorts of mechanics should remain in a loothunter ARPG, and we shouldn’t just make it possible to get ALL the good loot in the game from doing just one or two things (SR and Cruci). The devs spent time crafting the world and it would make sense that they’d intend for players to visit that world from time to time even in the endgame, rather than make the entire campaign map 100% irrelevant once you get a build good enough to farm Crucible / SR.

i admit, after 600+ runs of SoT i just decided to gdstash them. Drop rate could be increased a little or to make them transmutable. Probably won’t happen, drop rate of alkamos rings is probably the last thing on the devs mind.

They should release an item or prefix/suffix that increase drop rate. JRPG style!

If I did that I’d stop playing GD within a week. If I really wanted these rings that bad I’d try to trade.

I stopped caring about getting these rings a long time ago, even though they would be BiS for one of my builds.
But I’d still appreciate it if Crate added them to the SR loot table, even if it’s a really tiny chance. In fact any additional item in the loot table is welcome if it lowers the drop chance of Zantarin and Fabius shoulders :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Lol I recently did a fresh start, I deleted everything and made a new char. on the 2nd SoT run i got purple alkamos ring. I love RNG

to ease the process of farming alkamos purple ring, how about this…

when you want to farm alkamos purple ring, try to deceive your mind.

you are not farming sot to get alkamos purple ring.

you are farming sot because you like farming alkamos’ chests, the weak elites in chamber of souls and also farm moosilauke & treasure trove.

that way, its an endless farming process, because what you get from those sources are random and could give you a lot of purples and blueprints.

and when the alkamos purple ring finally drops, you got surprised! and the memory of it will stay in your whole life.

basically, lower your expectation when farming for hundreds of time. so your disappointment are reduced when your run fails to drop alkamos purple ring.

still, alkamos purple ring dropping in crucible and sr with lower drop rates isn’t a bad idea.