All early-access backers can now play!

We’re not sure when we’ll provide non-Steam distribution yet, it may be later in development or only after the final release.

Your friend can activate on Steam and still receive the DRM free version on release though, so no worries about that. :slight_smile:

Understandable, I just wanted to make sure everything was all in order. It’s not like I can claim an eidetic memory or anything. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the quick clarification, I’ll let him know, he’ll be absolutely stoked!

Btw, medierra, will you guys be creating a new “Beta Section” or just renaming the current “Alpha Section”?

  1. Have a shit day at work.
  2. Get caught in a traffic jam on my way home.
  3. Open my first beer after getting home and accidentally drop it on the living room carpet.
  4. Scream “Fuck!” really loud.
  5. Soak up spilled beer with a towel.
  6. Go upstairs to my computer.
  7. Check my Facebook and see that I can play Grim Dawn.

All better now. :smiley:

Thanks for getting this out to us, guys.
Gonna be a fun weekend.

Welcome aboard !
Game now starts to become really interesting with the last big updates. :slight_smile:

Just started playing today, and I am loving it. Cannot wait for the full release.

Thanks! This is truly what I hoped for and more. Just the atmosphere and music alone is something I’ve been waiting for in games but they just don’t make them like this anymore. It’s either cartoony or high fantasy so god damn it Crate, thanks! :smiley:

I am excited to play this game but wonder about the current stability of the multiplayer? how often are the servers up? or should i say down?

Also i don’t see it on steam when i search the store… I am sure the instructions to become a backer and how to get it running are somewhere relay obvious… but im missing it…


There is no multiplayer, as of now. Also, there won’t be (Crate) servers.

To become a backer, simply click on the “buy now!” button on the top of each page under the Grim Dawn logo, or click here. Link to Buy Now page

Regards getting the game if you read the very first post in this very thread it has the info on how to get the game from steam

To obtain the build, simply retrieve your Steam alpha key from Humble Store and then add it to your game library on Steam using “Add a Game” in the lower left under the game list. From there, select “Activate a Product on Steam” and a box will appear that will let you enter your key. The game will then appear in your library and begin downloading. Once the download is complete, you can install and play.***
Hope this helps

Thanks for the access Crate!

I know I have stated multiple times that I don’t want to really play an unfinished product to not get burnt out on it, but who can resist XD. I am going to try and bit of the alpha, just enough to get some thoughts and post a little feedback on my first impressions. I really hope I can resist playing any more than is needed lol.

Bummer! So you still need Steam to play. That’s me out then :frowning:

I have a Legendary key, but I will not, for any reason, use Steam! Not even for Grim Dawn!

So any idea of when we Steam Objector’s will be able to download and play the game too?

unfortunately i think you should wait for full release :frowning:

i personally hate Steam too, but GD alpha made me do a compromise (inspired by some forum members). i installed Steam but it runs offline except for new builds release. once the game released, i uninstall Steam and play the DRM-free version of Grim Dawn.

You are not alone. There’s even people who like Steam, and have a Legendary key, and still don’t play - because they don’t want to play an unfinished, incomplete game. :wink:

Just out of curiosity (I’m already playing the game :slight_smile: ) : could someone who hates playing the alpha/beta on steam give their key to someone who would like to play and still play the DRM-free game?

Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!

Cannot express my gratitude enough! Downloading as I type, growing immense hype minute by minute.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

Thanks Crate, installing now. Unfortunately I will not be playing just yet though, as I would prefer start a new game on the full version.

Quite honestly i was not in much mood for game of GD type. But received email that early access is out. So i thought well why not to at least try and see how it looks like. Steam got it downloaded in no time and i must say well done. Really great job on the game. I am totally looking for the full version.

I would have question about NDA and stuff. Is it ok to show game to people without accesses? I know some games have strict NDAs.

There are no NDAs… there have been several live streams of the game in Alpha as is :slight_smile:

there is no NDA, and people have been streaming the game for a long time now, uf you want to stream the game go ahead,