All early-access backers can now play!

As we mentioned in previous updates, due to changes in our development schedule, we’ve planned to open up access in the fall to backers with early access, including Pioneer, Epic and other equivalent tiers from KS. Well, the time has come and we’ve asked Humble Store to distribute Steam keys to everyone with that access level so that they can join in testing Grim Dawn and exploring the ever-growing game as it unfolds.

Keys should appear on people’s Humble Store pages starting around 1pm. To claim them and begin downloading the game, please follow these instructions:

[b]***Your Grim Dawn Steam key can be claimed from your Grim Dawn download page through Humble Store regardless of when or where you purchased. To get to your download page, enter your email address used to purchase/back Grim Dawn here:

You’ll get an email with a link to your download page, and then you will be able to claim your Steam key.

If you have trouble retrieving your key or have changed email since the Kickstarter or your original puchase, you can contact Humble Store Support and they will help get you straighted out.

To obtain the build, simply retrieve your Steam alpha key from Humble Store and then add it to your game library on Steam using “Add a Game” in the lower left under the game list. From there, select “Activate a Product on Steam” and a box will appear that will let you enter your key. The game will then appear in your library and begin downloading. Once the download is complete, you can install and play.[/b]***

Additional Info:

Please note, there are two different types of keys, Grim Dawn installation keys, which will be used to install the final game if you do not activate it through Steam and then Steam alpha keys. Grim Dawn installation keys are longer and do not work on Steam. Here is an image of the two keys as they appear on a Humble Store page:

It has been possible to purchase upgrades since July 12th, 2013 - see Upgrades now available! for directions.

This will possibly be the best weekend EVER! First, B13 and the Nightblade and now this. :slight_smile:

should should make a lot of people happy, so yeah welcome aboard all new backers and enjoy the fun, as your time to enjoy this game is now!

Hopefully we’ll get a bunch of people streaming the game now too

Great news. Good luck all!

Sweet! Have been looking forward to this game since I found out about it :slight_smile:

I’ve been waiting for this for years - entered the code in Steam and now it’s downloading. :rolleyes: Thanks for the perfect weekend timing!

Soooo is this the full game? I’ve been out of the loop for a while

No, it’s not. It’s still only Act 1.

I will risk Carpal Tunnel to play this one -____________-

I know doctor has ordered me to stay away from mouse/KB gaming, but sod that !! Worth it :smiley:


Can’t wait to get home and start downloading the client…and then waiting while it installs…and crying because it’ll be bedtime…

Woot! Excellent news! But I do have a question: does this mean that if I purchase the game right now, as a Pioneer backer, through here, do I get a key sent to me? Or does it have to be through Humble Bundle? Because $35 is a price I’m willing to pay, whereas $50 is a tad steep for me (I’m from Argentina, and the exchange rate blows).

I believe the keys are sent out through humble bundle, but if you pay the $35 on this site you will still have “Immediate access to play throughout development”

I backed at the $48 level for co-op with expansion and none of the keys I’ve received grant me (us) early access?

Interesting. Maybe someone from Crate will respond.

That co-op expansion was two copies of the finished game and two copies of the first expansion. So, unfortunately, you wouldn’t be receiving Steam keys yet. Sorry about that… :undecided:

you should have access, did you generate your steam key on your humble bundle page?

Looking at the kickstarter the $48 tier doesn’t say anything about early access, whereas the other tiers mention specifically that they have early access

E: Ahh I was close!

OK. Bit disappointed but I can wait … barely. :wink:

Edit: Also, thanks for the quick reply. :slight_smile:

Okay, so quick query. Please correct me if I’m misremembering something or am operating on a false assumption.

First, is Beta going to be entirely tied to Steam? I thought I recalled mention in a previous update that it would eventually be made open to those who don’t prefer to use it.

Second, should you redeem the Steam code, given the mention in the OP, I presume this means that you can’t redeem the final code for a non-Steam version. Is this correct?

The reason it is of note for me is that while I’ve been playing since alpha on Steam, the other person that I bought the dual pack for has objections to their service, yet is itching to play and doesn’t want to accidentally screw himself out of the DRM-free final version. (And before anyone gets smart and pipes up, Steam is exactly that, even in offline mode.)

Sorry to fuss on what is otherwise a very happy day for the update team, and all of us as well.