All moving things stopped moving but game is still active

Suddenly all villagers and tradesmen stopped moving. And all villagers currently on a road dissapeard (Look in the screen shot, there is no villagers on the roads, except one). Similar to having pressed pause exept you can see flags waving, birds fly and messages arriving with news about the villagers. The remaining vilagers are standing still but their upper bodies and heads are moving, like if they are looking around to see if anything happens. Surreal.

I saved and restarted the game and all villagers came back and it seems the game is working normally again.

If this happens again, please provide the info requested in this thread:

Also, if you could please share your Dxdiag and/or system specs, that would be helpful, thanks.

@Zantai No problem. I made an entry in the thread you linked to in the post above.

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