I dlike some guidance concerning this devotion (title). The flat damage absorption seems nice (168 at max lvl), and can be a big help for survivability. Im curious about your opinion on its use:
1-Is it worth it?
2-Wich kind of build shoul or must use it
3-In case is no good, wich devotion you thik will be better to use than this one.
The phoenix is something which I keep wanting to use for no great reason aside from considering it vaguely nifty, and not quite managing to make work. As Ptiro mentioned, without CDR the upkeep isn’t great, and some of the requisite nodes may be out of the way depending on what you’re aiming for. The biggest issue I’ve run into is that it triggers on crits, so not only does it require an attack to bind it to, but that attack also needs to crit reliably.
As an additional consideration, since it needs a bound attack it’s worth considering how many buttons you want to hammer at any given time. This point is usually where I stop trying to make it work, since in most cases I’m already taking at least one more attack solely to bind a devotion to and don’t necessarily want to bother with another, and in the cases where that’s not a problem (for example, ranged savagery vindicator) it’s not a priority and isn’t reliable anyway.