Alladrah's Phoenix devotion / Phoenix Fire proc wierd on Mortar Trap

Hi guys!

I was testing one of the new set, and i found out that this devo/proc wierd with mortar trap.

I don’t know it is intend or not.

Mortar Trap

As u can see the mortar trap got the buff.

Pyran's Pyre

Now me.

Is there any chance to change the working?

Not big deal, but this is kind a funny. It will be way more better if i am not buffing my mortart, rather than me.

It works the same for every pet. If the pet triggers the buff, it has it. If it would proc the circling fire thing (don’t remember the name), it’d be applied to them, if you’d proc it, you have it.

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Btw,since topic was created I want to add something.I tried on AAR Warlock to bind Ritual circle on Phoenix proc and IS not activated at all,don’t if it’s a bug or it shouldn’t have chance to be bound in first place.

Nery we are the palyers, whoes don’t need buff, we buff our speudo pets. :joy: I think u buffed ur IS. I wonder if u stand in IS u got the extra dmg absorvation. :rofl:

Sounds like an oversight to me. I’d report it as a bug, Ritual Circle should not be bindable to Phoenix.

IMO Nor mortar and IS. It usless.

They still do damage via the aura but the damage absorption does nothing for you. It works, just not the best/smartest bind :woman_shrugging:

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Then why is there? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Ah, so this also explains why my guardians seem to never proc Phoenix, I thought it was due to crappy OA or something. Thanks for the explanation