I would like to suggest, if mechanically possible, that item granted WPS, ex Korvaak’s Brand, be allowed to trigger on 2handers (melee if not ranged) and if you are 1handing with a shield - just have it trigger at least, doesn’t have to scale on shield’s dmg like shattering smash/smite does
this is a “two-fold” issue for me on the specific above example
first being that Korvaak’s Brand because of its useful modifiers simply outclasses Pyroclasm Mark completely when you have the medal choice; Pyroclasm modifiers gotta be the most “whaaat” on FS/Sav builds - but ofc Korvaak’s Brand wps doesn’t apply to 2h ranged wps so in theory there could be “some” potential there to entice you (really isn’t tho)
then we have the “meat” of the issue, “attack specified” item granted WPS does not apply to attacks when using a 1h + shield, melee or ranged, which can feel somewhat annoying. It also doesn’t apply to 2h hits, which can really be “ugh” sometimes
suggestion is to allow Korvaak’s Brand/Pyroclams Mark and relic granted WPS to at least trigger off attacks when wielding 1h+shields too (doesn’t have to scale on/apply shield dmg) - and if possible 2h trigger consideration (on Korvaak’s Brand at least if not the other granted DW exclusive wps)