Altars needed or not?

Why do I need altars in order to get the Large Houses I need to get to T4? I’m an atheist, I see them as a waste, however decorations don’t compensate and I can’t produce enough luxury items.

You don’t, I never use them. Use large park and upgrade it, use statues - all 3 of them give sepatrate bonuses. Add bakery, thethre, healer, market, school and it should do. Still many more decorations to use if that’s not enough.

Have done all these yet nothing happens without altars.

No idea man, I never use altars and I’m totally fine without it.

If you don’t have a temple yet, you don’t have any spirituality in your town. That might reduce immigration as it is part of happiness. Other than that, they are kind of cheap because they use little area for low cost but of course need a priest.

I like the fact that - because of your atheism - you don’t build them. Kind of cool, kind of funny. That’s why I don’t kill unarmed monsters in whicher 3 because I am a pacifist. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: It’s a game, still: Do your thing. Believes are one of the few things one can choose in life. I totally respect that.

Have fun

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Don’t forget you can name your spirituality whatever you want it to be - so could call it the aethist hideout. :grinning:

I called it “Secularist Redoubt.”

Think of religion as someone’s fan club.
Someone can be themselves~

I think the name changes with every reload if you don’t give it a name.