I had a lot to say on the subject, but I’ll try real hard to keep it short. TL;DR at the end
It’s no secret that Inquisitor, as a mastery, isn’t featured as prominently in end-game builds as some of the others. The game has changed a lot over the years. Forgotten gods introduced the Oathkeeper (And Vire’s might) along with the movement augments. Then followed the evade action, meant to counterbalance the sunder mechanics, making the game a lot more fluid, mobile and dynamic.
However, one of the mainstay of the Inquisitor skillset is how STATIC it is.
Inquisitor seal, while very powerful, requires you to stay in one place, same for flames of Ignafar.
Same goes for AA builds: while melee builds will move from target to target, the benefit (or curse) of ranged attacks is that you want to stay put and put as much lead downfield without having to move, so you’ll likely remain in place as much as possible.
The 2 runes don’t need you to stay put necessarily, but they also have a certain inflexibility in their application, requiring you to wait for their activation, and to move in predictable ways to herd enemies to their AoE.
Inquisitor seal in particular embodies that playstyle. Inquisitor seal is and should be the “main” skill for the mastery (Like Pneumatic burst is for Nightblade or Presence of virtue for Oathkeeper). It is VERY functional and iconic of the archetype, and ties every playstyle proposed by the mastery together, while offering a host of conditional bonuses that make it extremely versatile in fonction (if not in form). It has damage bonus, crit bonus, a defensive component, deals damage directly, can apply DR, It even helps supports retaliation and health regen even though the mastery otherwise doesn’t. It also has a LOT of gear options to make it do all sorts of cool things.
Suffice to say, it should be the main selling point of the mastery. But it somehow isn’t.
Because it’s too small.
Nowadays if you’re facing something powerful, you have a dilemma: use evade to dodge its sundering attack, or stay put to keep benefitting from the aura.
You also want to apply the seal on enemies that are close to you as well as to yourself, to benefit from the rebuke portion, so you’ll have to cast it at least twice, and if the enemies move, you’ll have to reposition them, and if the enemy spawns damage zones, you’ll have to move enough that you’ll have to cast it again. All that makes for ineffective gameplay, so that just kiting might just become more effective.
So, after all that rambling, here’s my suggestion to fix both inquisitor seal, and the inquisitor mastery as a whole:
Make inquisitor seal diameter increase with rank.
How big ?
Big enough (at max rank) so that if you sit on the edge, you can evade to the opposite end and still be inside.
Big enough so that if you cast it on yourself, anything that tries to get near you is also automatically affected.
Big enough so if there is a damage pool on you, you can move slightly to avoid it while remaining within the seal.
Right now its a fixed 3.8 meters.
I’d say it should start at about 3 meters, and grow to about 6.5 meters at 12/12 rank. And maybe get to 7 meters by 22/12 (this is very rough, but should give you an idea of what I’m thinking)
Maybe the cooldown could be increased to compensate ?
The other numbers don’t need fixing: Inq. Seal is a powerhouse of buffs, defense layers and offensive potential. it’s totally fine as it is on that front, as it should be. And that should tell you enough about how awkward to use it has become that for all its strengths, it’s not considered one of the premiere skills in the game.
But as it is, Inquisitor seal is simply incompatible with the new sunder mechanics, and doesn’t mesh well with the new mobility the game offers, and I think this not only hurts the skill, but also the whole mastery because of it.
It will still foster the same KIND of gameplay, but allowing a bit of wiggle room (literally) would make it a better choice to make.
I love Inquisitor seal, both narratively and mechanically: I think it’s iconic, it carries a lot of cool tropes has a very recognizable graphic imagery and interesting gameplay applications. It should be synonymous with the mastery itself. Sadly, I find myself not using it, or even modifying my builds to avoid it, while it should be something that you WANT to use.
Thanks for reading
Inquisitor seal should be bigger to match the increased mobility in the game and to make it less awkward to use.