An idea for the Loyalist Pack and how to make the current Crucible Mode DLS

Hello! Thank you for your work and sorry for my English)

I Want to offer 2 ideas: for the support package (Loyalist Pack); for the furnace (“Crucible Mode DLS”).

I ask to release the Loyalist Pack with additional chests(Item Stash; Transfer Stash) from the smuggler. My friends and I are happy to buy such add-ons.

The crucible I suggest that you add the increased chance of loss of registered items in different maps: that is, in the crucible of the void (the Crucible of the Void) there is an increased chance to knock the scales Rylok (Rylok Crest), the coat of arms Rylok (Rylok Mark) and so on.
In the depths of the crucible (Crucible of the Deeps) - scales Ikrix (Ikrix Scale)
Standard chance of loss of things do not need to reduce, only increase the chance of loss of certain items.

I Hope to be able to convey the idea, good luck =)

Post Scriptum: Perhaps it would be worth adding to the game a special chest (Item Stash) for collections, in which sets of epic quality can be saved and distributed across the levels. It would be a separate chest (Transfer Stash - 2), only for collections of epic, blue sets (Epic).

First i don’t gonna see to happen, due they were pretty clear about their “Opinion” for more “Stash”. They want a limit for it. And the only exception which i could see is with another Expansion…(and only because another expansion would mean more loot so it’s more an balancing act, than give more stash) than again i wouldn’t bet for another expansion either.

The Second Point i don’t really understand tbh. maybe another folks can say anything about it.

I think when he/she writes “loss” he/she means “drops” (case of failed google translate I guess)

Like certain crucible maps should have increased drop chances for certain Monster Infrequents.


“Drops” is the right word. I think this idea makes sense. I hope you understand what I’m writing because I can only write through a translator =)

Droprate of some particular MI’s that are dependent from crucible map are interesting idea indeed but i doubt that is will be done

My point is that if there are people like me who like to collect and store more than to blow up and sell, it would be logical to give them the opportunity to do so. Not everyone likes to pass the game in a set of Lacarra (lokarr’s Spoils). I collect different low-level sets (Epic sets), which I enjoy playing and pumping characters, but I have to create a lot of new characters just to keep all these sets in their chests. Perhaps it would be worth adding to the game a special chest (Item Stash) for collections, in which sets of epic quality can be saved and distributed across the levels. It would be a separate chest (Transfer Stash - 2), only for collections of epic, blue sets (Epic). I think it would be a great solution and I would be happy to buy such an extension for Grim Dawn. Tell me if I’m still writing incomprehensibly, then I’ll try another translator.

Thing is if you had such a thing I think it would mean your game would be different from players who didn’t buy it so you wouldn’t be able to play together in multiplay. That’s why Crate stick to things like illusions rather than stuff that would actually be in the game like items. That’s why there are 3rd party tools for this, they stand outside the game so don’t cause that sort of problem if you want to play with other people who don’t have that particular 3rd part stash tool.

Really, I didn’t think about it. In this case, why not make a separate room, such as in (Crucible Mode DLS), call it a “basement with chests” or “warehouse”, well, or something like that, put there a smuggler, a large Item Stash and just go there any character when you need to take or put items. However, in my opinion, it already sounds like a large-scale work that will require enough time and effort, so I do not know whether Crate will want to do it. I just want to collect things with convenience and ready to support the introduction of such a possibility.

Answer in russian

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