Anatomy of Murder - in line with other passives?

And with more Cunning in some devotions you have to think about if you get these points from Anatomy of Murder somewhere else…

Short introduction, I hope a moderator will copy the discussion from hotfix-thread here.

With racial damages got a harsh cut. I think (though I don´t know for sure) that this is one thing to keep damage output not getting too high with stacking these damages.

Two examples: Direwolf Crest got its Racial Damage against Beast nerfed for 33 % and no compensation but this medal was very good before so no complain. Guthook Belt got its Racial Damage cut by over 50 % but got compensated with DA and Chaos Resistance.

With Anatomy of Murder got nerfed for about 50 % (in my case: 53 %). Zantai called “in line with Fabric of Reality”, so no compensation in this case.

Fabric of Reality and Steel Resolve both have the same amount of Racial Damage as Anatomy of Murder plus Flat Damage plus Racial Damage against two enemy types.

So is it really “in line”? Or should it be compensated with anything else (like e.g. “Less Damage form X” or flat Vitality/Bleed Damage)?

A little confusion, take it as a short summary. :sweat_smile:

idk, Arcanist did not have a ball of RR to start with…so a direct skill by skill comparison may not be appropriate…

Do you see any Vitality/Bleeding RR on Nightblade? :wink:

The comparison was made by Zantai, btw.

It took Crate less than 24 hours to nerf Bloodrager when newly introduced. :joy:

And, again: It´s not drama from my side, but feedback. I played SR yesterday (with Fabius/Aleksander) before hotfix and afterwards. And Yes, surely you see the difference (even more because the Guthook Belt nerf had been forgotten in last hotfix and was activated yesterday, too).

Less than 24 hours since the closure of the last drama thread and here we are again. Wonderful folks.


–>“Super Moderator”

I kind of imagine you rubbing your hands together whenever drama happens :stuck_out_tongue:

“This is why I jointed the corps!”

Hey, I wanted to help her in Discord. :frowning:

Not really since most times it ends in a shitfest and a closed thread.

Won´t happen here. I hope. Well, I will try to be constructive anyway.

Though I myself play dervish, and this nerf makes Alex’s kill quite longer, I consider this change fair enough
BUT Z should give smth in exchange, 'cause now Anatomy looks pretty weak in comparison with other similar skills (cunnig bonus isn’t that useful for non-pierce builds). Prob replace bonus vit and bleed damage with all damage + increased value

Flat Vitality or bleed are nice and all, but if you guys want compensation, I think racial damage to beast will be better for all…

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Racial Damage to Beast might be a problem with Bleeding builds. They get Racial Damage from Huntress (Must-Have) and often from Direwolf Crest. So this would be stacking up again.

I would say Undead (not really fitting thematically) because they are very resistant to Bleeding and Vitality…well, everything is resistant to Vitality. :wink:

Sometimes I think Shoot and I are really the only ones playing Bleeding Builds. Always forgotten. :frowning:

Then it’s ok right? You got slower kill on human but better kill to beast. While the cold and vitality damage finally be able to kill the dreaded kuba faster

Anatomy doesn’t have flat damage. Even if it has, flat vitality is useless for PB, 'cause the % WD is very low

I don´t say it is not okay. I am only afraid of another Bleeding nerf. :wink:

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Yeah. I am talking about the compensation that has been discussed by community

Zantai never said that Anatomy of Murder is in line with Fabric of Reality as a whole, he said the racial damage bonuses specifically are in line with the latter.

Does it mean we shouldn’t expect some buffs in exchange?)
Ah, sad. Would be cool and thematic to add smth like 5% chance of + x% total damage (as if you hit the most vulnerable location of the enemy)

No, it doesn’t. Make a compelling argument and i’m pretty sure Zantai can add some useful stuff to it. I want flat vitality to it and more vitality to cold or acid conversion in items so that these two damage types can use the flat damage.

The racial damage bonus to humans is not getting reverted unless you show that Nightblade builds were highly affected by it and i highly doubt he’s gonna add another racial damage bonus to it. Specially to a mastery that is part of a combo that stacks racial damage to it.

And this is my whole point of/in this thread (I even asked Medea to change title of thread):
Crate/Zantai wanted to nerf Racial Damage. Okay, there will be reasons (which I can understand) and reverting it doesn´t seem like an option.

But there were alternatives given. Like Guthook Belt got a fair amount of DA/Chaos Damage for cutting Racial Damage to half the amount.