Animal meat/pelts/tallow amounts

it has been pointed many times, but pls give us the answer will meat/pelts/tallow amounts be closer to reality or not ?

at the moment we have these meat amounts
chicken = 20 meat
wolf=32meat + 2 pelts
doe=48meat + 2pelts+2tallow
bear=doe – ??? whaaat ???
goat=120meat + 2pelts + 2tallow
boar=200meat + 3pelts + 4tallow
horse=cattle=340meat + 4pelts + 5tallow

anyone else would like to see more realistic amounts? (based on avg size, weight)
i suggest that
bear should give 500 meat + 6pelts + 6 tallow
chicken should give 10 meat and produce more eggs - 1 egg in 2 days ( ok it is a medieval game so at least 1 egg in 3 days)

other numbers look not so weird

ps. maybe it is only me who cares that it is too much fantasy spreading in the world?
but want to see more real things here and there, especially in a survival city builder game, based on real things like diseases, weather conditions, crop diseases, illness, hunger, wild animal attacks, raiders, etc

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could certainly use more tallow add some to wolves… hard to make much soap when tallow is low all the time