Any chance on SLI support?

I can force render it but we all know thats not SLI without the bits. Curious cause when frams drop in big areas with big fight frames get down in the 30-40 range but my gpu temp and speed is not crankin up at all staying at 70c when normally if frames start to drop the card amps up. I seen this same issue with marvel heroes. Playing on 1440p as well

Most if the time it never drops and i have aa and af off as the performace hit vs what u gain is too expensive on 1440p

I7 4770k @ 4.6ghz
32gb 3200 ram
1500watt psu
2x Nvidia 780ti OC

I wish too. But this issue actually should be redirected to nVidia. I’m running 2x 680 OC as well and it sucks to see the frame drop and my only one card is not pushing hard enough. It’s weird since GD is based on an old engine and not well-optimized. One card of mine never gets to 9x% of usage, and when the drop kicks in the usage drops to 3x- 4x%, seriously WTF?! But you know, we have just to deal with it. It’s an old engine powered game, and nVidia never gives a fuck to small and indie games, triple As are their top priorities.

Anyway man, I was searching around for a SLI compatible bits, and gonna try this out as typing this, hope it would increase the per in SLI:

Using nVidia Inspector, create a new profile and add Grim Dawn’s executable to it, then…

For 2 GPUs:
set “SLI compatibility bits” to 0x00C02201
set “NVIDIA predefined number of GPUs to use on SLI rendering mode” to 2
set “NVIDIA predefined SLI mode” to 2 (or 3 if scaling is still poor)