Any more planned expansions?

Thanks for the sig update.

We already have an Illusionist ingame so why bother to add packs to buy?

What do you do now? Start another toon. :smiley:

Either move on to another character or play something else. Crate actually wants character’s progression to have an actual end and not just an endgame where you mindlessly grind for hours with no end in sight.

Same observation here.

It appears it is largely not the gameplay or mechanics but rather the setting, atmosphere and/or story that didnt appeal to them. One of my friends (who really liked TQ) said he felt the game was lacking a proper arc of suspense and that “we already have Diablo for a dark themed ARPG”. I dont agree with that personally, but you cant argue about tastes I guess.

Others I couldnt even get to play it.

I don’t understand it, really. If you read the lore notes/listen to the dialogue at all I think there’s plenty of suspense for an ARPG in the quests leading up to Log. Also, Diablo was gothic horror-themed, Diablo 3 was less than stellar anyway, and comparing the Diablo series to GD in terms of story is apples and oranges. (In terms of lots of things, actually). I really don’t understand it.

Yes, but this is exactly what I mean.

When you reach level 100 (or 95), you could unlock a quest to restore Cairn.

Then you go into the realms of evil (something like this) and rescue some of the population (they were kidnapped and hidded the entire time. Not everybody was turned into monsters). Each realm belongs to some evil faction and have an exclusive boss. Those bosses drop special tools and materials.

You rescue the people and bring them back to the cities. And you use all the special tools and materials to rebuild and fortify the main cities. And you pick a faction to protect each city.

Then you really finish the campaign by “cleaning” and restoring the world.

It also could bring some plot for Grim Dawn 2 (if we will have it someday), where in times of peace the greed of the people put them into war against each other and you will need to fight the enemy and the civil war (Skyrim feelings).

Those realms of evil can be a very elaborate thing, but using resources that already exists.

You can have the help of the spirits of nature (since the balance of the world was destroyed, they can help you) in your task to rescue the kidnapped people. You have their “assistance” in the same mechanics of the Crucible DLC, as stat bonuses, defensive towers, stuff like that. Then once you rescue all of them, you go deeper to find the boss. The monsters already exists, we will just need new giant bosses.

I’m just brainstorming here, in a attempt to answer the question: I defeated the enemies, I have the perfect gear and my build is now complete. What I do now? Endless grind? No, I will fix this world the best I can.

Maybe after this, the enemies could disappear from the surface, remaining only in the realms of evil and in the Crucible mode. This would bring a feeling of completion (at least to me) and it would be a better moment to retire a top tier hero, with a good reason.


Aetherials and Chthonians will never be truly vanquished from Cairn now, they are far too deep into it to be truly removed from it.

It would also takes years, probably decades for Cairn to recover from the Grim Dawn. This event was the equivalent of the nuclear apocalypse in the Fallout series, so it’s gonna take a lot of time for humanity to recover from this.

I also recall the developers wanting for the fate of Cairn to be vague (i think it was something on these lines).

I really like reading all the bits of info and stuff, but maybe thats one part of why some people did not like it. In Diablo and to some extent TQ, you got a bit more carried by the game/story. Less text and less amount of story-details in the sidequests that require the player to search for it. Diablo also had impressive cutscenes which leads to everything unfold a bit more “on the flow”. Perhaps the other two mentioned games are also doing a better job in conveying epicness (with all the mythologies, different countries etc.).

But honestly - I have no idea. :rolleyes:

Think about a winning a battle, but not the war. Just like Talion in Shadow of Mordor.

Otherwise the plot dies by the lack of characters and for have nothing left to be saved.

What’s more, a peace or at least truce with the Aetherials might be a matter of letting them have their own place on Cairn (since they’re clearly not happy with where they were). I’ll be honest, after hearing Anasteria and Hagarond talk I kind of understand why the Aetherials have done what they’ve done (they really got royally screwed) and if the real bad apples fuck off/Hagarond has any luck back “home” we might see some interesting things happen. I don’t foresee much of a happy ending for Ch’thon and his followers, though.

Fallout’s situation, if the writers were practicing good science and not SCIENCE! with how they handled a nuclear apocalypse, would actually be ROSIER than Grim Dawn’s I think, but because Fallout deals in SCIENCE! and not science Fallout’s world is basically never going to recover (that and it’s a recurring theme in the series that nothing ever really gets better, mankind just kind of limps along, never learns, and war never changes). If Grim Dawn is Victorian Lovecraftian grimdark-turning-bright, Fallout is 50’s scifi kitsch meets the-unbridled-hubris-of-humankind comic grimdark.