Any rule of thumb to know if my build is good enough?

Im not looking for feedback for my specific build…I just want to know if there any content or enemy to check if my build is doing good…I made a stun jack ele I hit level 100 farmed some stuff and left the game I didnt try all the nemesis bosses, I killed the cubacabra and one in the dark gate I think and I didnt have much trouble the only content that took me a while to deal with was lokkhar…which I had to kite the whole fight…I did this before the big updates and after them it didnt seem to affect my build too much…

but yeah I want to know whats like a basic field test for builds in terms of tankiness and damage…

and another question:

is the dps comparison in weapons (green and red number) accurate and reliable like red number good and green number bad?

thanks for answers

For me, level 100 but not yet have BiS for all equipment would be:

  • Durability: try and see how it finish SR 50 on Ultimate, can it do that without dying or within the time limit.
  • Single target DPS: doing all skeleton key bosses and Korvaak, can it kill the boss without the fight getting too hard, especially for Shar’zul, Gargabol, and Korvaak final phase.

Then for lvl 100 with BiS, I go:

  • Durability: finishing SR 75-80
  • Single target DPS: killing Korvaak without allowing him cast any skill at all phase
  • Crucible 150-170 to see how balanced the killspeed and piloting the build

Others may have better parameters to test their own build, but I go like this for all of my build, and using specialist build to kill superboss like Callagadra

Once I reach lvl 50 I usually ignore those dps comparison, the item base/mods is more important than keep rechecking dps from all item drops.


@nomellamo A video showing HonorabruSudoku’s good beginner (with very budget gear) Stun Jacks Elementalist + my good fight strat vs Lokarr [] Beginner Elementalist, Stun Jacks & Storm Totems, SR 65 & Lokarr viable - #2 by tqFan as you can see it doesn’t have to kite almost at all if optimized

With all the best gear and build SJ Elementalist should absolutely destroy Lokarr in prolly like 5s (seriously) or so on the spot and be able to kill every superboss in the game I’d say.

The game has content for all players - the most casual and the biggest tryhards so it’s very subjective whether the build is good enough or not.


thanks, I still have a long way to go then

DAAAAAYUM, so lokarr should not be that hard…thanks for the heads up

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Lokarr is not super hard if you know what he does and have a plan to counter it.

This character killed him with a 14/12 Blast Shield. It’s the only thing enabling that kill and without it, the character would die in 3-5 seconds. You’ll notice that tqFan runs when the cooldown is up and sets up for when it is available next.

The character is a defensive god for 4 seconds every 9 seconds and is made of soggy newspaper for the other 5 seconds. Fight when strong, run when not. It’s a good strategy.