Any way to get rid of this ugly red screen?

hi guys, this red screen as been annoying me for a while now… theres certain maps i cant see anything when im about to die and cant find an escape… is there any way to disable this or some texture i can replace to remove this ugly red screen when im about to die ?

thanks in advance.!

Never seen that before. Verify your game files and make sure all your drivers are up to date.

hmm yeh i remenber it was just small red on the edges yeh and but im using other textures and forgot to mention so maybe its some issue with them…not played game in a while… will try check the texture pack…

if it’s related to sunder or low health something then you can turn off screen effects in the options
but as medea said, that form of coverage/type of red screen is def not vanilla

it only happens when im about to die yeh i never noticed it happen at higher hp… im trying to find the texture that causes that effect to replace it with a blank file… but no luck so far. :frowning:

are u using Grimtex? I have the same problem. Let us know please.

cool finaly found the file under Grim Dawn\settings\system\textures\lowhealt.tex

looks much better, the original :slight_smile:

thank you anyways for your replys and pacience :slight_smile: i forgot about the grimtext texture pack i was using.

so yeh if you guys got same issue just delete that file if you want the orignal blood effect. or replace it by a blank file if you dont want the effect. this way we can keep all the other screen effects and dont need to disable all in the options :slight_smile:

tx for posting ur find. ive erased that file. now im goin to go die just to see if it works.

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no problem, my pleasure! hope you " died " a happy player :slight_smile: